Thousands of people went to watch the game .
成千上万的人前去观看比赛。 |
Thousands of people were at the airport to see them off.
数以千计的人在机场为他们送行。 |
Thousands of people were killed when the Boxing Day tsunami struck Sri Lanka because poachers had removed coral reefs that would have shielded the coastline from the worst of the waves.
近日,科学家对斯里兰卡地区海域研究后发现,去年的印度洋大海啸造成的惨重损失与当地非法开采珊瑚有着直接联系。 |
Thousands of products and millions of individual items—from food and consumer goods to medical devices—go to market each day in high-performance Bemis packaging.
数以千计的产品与数以万计的个别项目,从食品和消费品到医疗器械,每一天比米斯包装以高性能走向市场! |
Thousands of revelers in New York City wore their green and hit the streets to enjoy the annual Saint Patrick's Day parade.
成千上万狂欢者穿上传统的绿色衣服在纽约街头游行,庆祝着一年一度的圣巴特里克节。 |
Thousands of sharks are hunted in Asia for special foods, such as shark fin soup.
在亚洲,成千上万的鲨鱼被捕杀,做成了鱼翅汤之类的特色菜肴。 |
Thousands of ships enwombed in the gulf of mexico.
数千艘的船深藏在墨西哥海湾中。 |
Thousands of shooting stars provided a dazzling light show Sunday that amazed veteran and novice stargazers alike as the Leonid meteor shower made the moonless sky appear to rain light.
11月19日凌晨狮子座流星雨如期而至,成千上万颗流星将晴朗的夜空照耀的无比灿烂,让新老天文爱好者叹为观止。 |
Thousands of sites use RSS and more people understand its usefulness every day.
数千站使用着RSS并且每天有越来越多的人明白了它的有用之处。 |
Thousands of successful umbilical cord blood stem cell transplants have already been carried out to treat children with severe blood conditions or immune disorders.
数千份脐带血干细胞移植被用来治愈患有血液或免疫力疾病的孩子。 |
Thousands of supporters of the controversial bill organized a counter-rally in Rome's famed Piazza Navona square.
上千名该争议法案的支持者在罗马著名的纳沃那广场组织了一反对集会。 |