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It assumes that the first choice really is irreversible, and that inaction would keep options open.

It assembled the world's largest fleet of dredgers, which sucked up 150m cubic meteres of clay and mud and dumped it in deeper waters and piled on top of the layer of stiff clay that the massive dredging had laid bare. 它组成世界上最大的挖泥舰队,吸收150立方米的泥土和软泥堆积到深水里,堆在最上面一层的是硬泥土,大型的挖泥被工作裸露的铺设。
It assembles a large number of outstanding Chinese celebrities in the present-day world. 《世界华人名人经典画册系列》汇聚了当今世界一大批极为优秀的华人名人。
It asserted that just because a man had made money under conditions as they existed wasno reason to call him a lot of hard names. 他们坚称仅仅因为一个人在现有条件下赚了很多钱就对他横加指责是毫无道理的。
It assesses the effect of regulation of services markets on the productivity growth of OECD countries. 该报告评估了服务市场管制对该组织成员国的生产率增长的影响。
It assists pilots in emergencies and coordinates search-and-rescue operations for missing or overdue aircraft. 同时,电台还援助出现紧急事故的飞行员,协调对于失踪飞机的搜寻及救援工作。
It assumes that the first choice really is irreversible, and that inaction would keep options open. 该理论假设,第一个选择不可撤销,而“无所作为”还会有其它选择。
It assumes varieties of the living states of females deeply and thoroughly by praising the beauty of their body from different angles, confessing the female desire and the sensible understanding of their living condition from the author's unique angle. 作者以独特的女性视角,通过对女性躯体的纯净赞美,对女性欲望的坦然承认以及女性生存状态的清醒理解,全面深入地呈现了女性生存的百态图。
It assures casting quality; kerosene is less viscous than water thus will locate a casting defect more readily than other test fluids. 确保铸件质量。煤油的粘性比水小,因此比其他测试流体更容易定位铸件的缺陷位置。
It astonishes me that he could be so thoughtless. 我真没料到他会如此轻率。
It astonishes me that no one has thought of this before. 先前竟没有一个人想到这一点,这使我很惊讶.
It ate fern leaves and pine trees. 它吃蕨类植物的叶子以及松树。

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