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Developed by the Austrian peasantry, the waltz was originally rejected by the upper class because of its humble social origins and because it was seen as too erotic.

Developed and studied drying technique which used hot water as a heat conduction medium drying north hard broadleaf timber, analysed and compared its economic benefit. 对利用热水作为热导介质干燥南方硬阔叶材进行了开发与研究,并对经济效益进行分析和比较。
Developed before the outbreak of the Clone Wars, Dreadnaught heavy cruisers are among the oldest vessels in active service in the Imperial Navy. 无畏级重型巡洋舰是在克隆人战争爆发前开发的,是帝国舰队中正在服役的最老的舰种之一。
Developed black bean products, and gain ed great customer's favor . 1999年开发黑豆素系列产品,爱到消费者迴响。
Developed by BMW, which owned MG Rover for a while, and with an excellent engine designed by Honda, the 75 has a fine pedigree[3]. 罗孚75系出名门,其开发者是由曾短期拥有罗孚的宝马公司,其发动机则是本田的杰作。
Developed by Sienar Fleet Systems, the GAT blastboat series was the Empire's preferred gunship for demanding point missions and patrol assignments. 西纳船舰系统开发的GAT炮艇系列是帝国偏爱的炮艇,用于苛刻的点任务和分配的巡逻任务。
Developed by the Austrian peasantry, the waltz was originally rejected by the upper class because of its humble social origins and because it was seen as too erotic. 蓝曲一因系改编自奥地利乡野小曲,社会背景卑微,二则因过于新潮,为上流人士排斥。
Developed countries as a group are expected to see some FDI recovery, but at levels that are relatively modest in the short run. 就整体而言,对发达国家的外国直接投资预计可以看到一些复苏的迹象,但是在短期内,还保持在一个相对较低的水平。
Developed countries should act more vigorously to promote development. 发达国家在发展问题上应有更积极的作为。
Developed countries should lead the way with substantive offers to lower barriers and curtail trade-distorting subsidies to cotton, sugar, and other agricultural producers. 发达国家应当率先采取实质性措施,降低贸易壁垒,缩减向棉花、糖类及其他农业生产商发放的补贴,因为这种补贴会导致贸易畸形发展。
Developed countries will continue to dominate growth in long-haul air travel over the next quarter of a century, despite the rapid expansion of the Chinese and Indian economies. 尽管中国和印度经济增长迅速,但未来25年里,发达国家将继续在长途航空旅行增长中占主导地位。
Developed countries will do better from being part of this fast-growing world than from trying to cling on to a bigger share of a slow-growing one. 由于发展中国家试图追赶西方国家,他们的生产率迅速提高,全球的潜在产量也会提高。

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