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Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.

Once the power of a computer is turned on, all the behaviors are under the control of CPU. 计算机一旦通电运行,则所有的行为都要在它的控制之下运行。
Once the power of a computer is turned on, all the behaviors are under the control of CPU. 一旦电脑的电源开启了,电脑所有的行为都在CPU的控制下执行。
Once the pressure of the main network returns to normal, the valve flap of drainage outlet closes under pressure, first, second level check valves open, the main network return to supply water to branch pipeline. 一旦主管网压力恢复正常,排污口阀瓣受压关闭,一二级止回阀打开,主管路恢复向支管供水。
Once the price had been agreed, a deal was quickly concluded. 价格一经商定,交易很快就达成了。
Once the priests enter the holy precincts, they are not to go into the outer court until they leave behind the garments in which they minister, for these are holy. 14祭司进去出了圣所的时候、不可直到外院、但要在圣屋放下他们供职的衣服、因为是圣衣.要穿上别的衣服、才可以到属民的外院。
Once the principal contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved. 一旦抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就迎刃而解。
Once the quotas that had guaranteed a share of the market to all exporting countries were abolished, they assumed, China would hoover up all the jobs in the industry. 当原来保证出口国家市场份额的配额制度取消时,他们估计中国会将纺织服装业的就业一扫而光。
Once the racquet is back at eye level, the racquet can now fall, or loop down, to the low point of the backswing (one foot below the contact point) before swinging forward. 一旦网拍回到在眼睛高度,网拍现在能落下,或环状下来,在向前挥拍之前,拉到背后拉拍的低点(接触点下面一呎)。
Once the redshifts of the galaxies have been measured, we can begin to reconstruct the history of star formation. 一旦测得星系的红移,我们便可开始重建恒星形成的历史了。
Once the regional bread-basket, Zimbabwe is again going to go hungry this year. 津巴布韦这个曾经的鱼米之乡,今年将再次饥荒遍野。
Once the riders are seated with safety belts on, the ride is ready to launch. 一旦乘客系上安全带坐好以后,游乐设施就准备启动了。

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