As to the electronic products, thousands of electronic components, from the tiny integrated circuit blocks to the human-height amplifiers, are the major sales. |
中文意思: 至于电子商品则以电子零件为大宗,从米粒大小的积体电路板到一人高的巨型喇叭,应有尽有,电子零件小,种类繁多。 |
As to the clipper for clipping Green veneer.A MOTOR INVERTER is used for driving the conveyor.where by it is possible to easily carry out the adjustment of speed.Reversing and guick stop.
入口输送带是由变频马达来控制、驱动,在操作上很容易,可作速度上的调整,正反转与立即停止。 |
As to the consignation date of your order next time, we'll send out in 50 days after we receive money.
关于您下次定单的交付期,我们将在收到定金后50天内发货。 |
As to the consignation date of your order next time, we'll send out your demand 50 days after your earnest money arrives.
关于您下次定单的交付期,我们将在收到定金后50天内发货。 |
As to the development condition, there are obvious differences in lithology, structure environment, and main exterior forces, but, on the other hand, the development of both landform depend on sufficient water and heat, dense joints and fractures of the r
在发育条件上,两者的岩性、构造环境和主要外营力均存在显著差异;另一方面,两者的发育又都依赖于一定的水热条件和密集的节理裂隙。 |
As to the differences above,it is a real Draught Beer or Fresh Beer .Not only it has pure white exquisite foam,strong malt fragrance,hops fragrance,fine fresh alcohol taste,strong taste, untransparant,but also it contain many kinds of amino acids,vitamins
另:黑鲜啤,除具有黄啤上述特点外,还具有焦香突出及淡淡的咖啡清香等特点,而小麦鲜啤,还具有蛋白质含量更丰富、泡沫持久性更强(但易结块),且有淡淡的水果清香及酸甜味等特点。 |
As to the electronic products, thousands of electronic components, from the tiny integrated circuit blocks to the human-height amplifiers, are the major sales.
至于电子商品则以电子零件为大宗,从米粒大小的积体电路板到一人高的巨型喇叭,应有尽有,电子零件小,种类繁多。 |
As to the existent problems, this paper puts forward some measures concerning the protection of Hakka culture.
针对开发中存在的问题,就如何保护赣南客家文化提出了一些对策。 |
As to the flood, I have heard nothing.
至于那次水灾,我没听到什么。 |
As to the food, we shall have delicious roast duck and dumplings.
至于食物,我们将会品尝到美味可口的北京烤鸭和水饺. |
As to the foreigners in China, it all right no matter how much they like to be in the limelight.
至于在中国的外国人...他们再喜欢出锋头也没有关系。 |
As to the former, the stemborer larvae do not survive long enough to hatch out as long as the field is irrigated and fertilized.
对于第一个问题,只要农田灌水和施肥,螟虫幼虫孵化出来后不会活得很长。 |