SandPs does not expect China's economy to suffer a hard landing. It said it was expecting the economy to continue to grow at about 9 per cent next year. |
中文意思: 标准普尔预计中国的经济不会硬着陆。它表示,公司预计明年中国经济将继续增长约9%。 |
Sand-entraining could make microbes in maternal fermented grains achieve pit entry fermentation by means of inoculation, which was simple and feasible and had satisfactory effects in the improvement of top-grade product rate.
通过夹沙发酵使母糟中的微生物以接种方式入池发酵,达到提高优级品率的目的,既简单可行,效果又明显。 |
Sand-removing and deoxidization of small-sized castings,forgings,heat-freated pieces,aluminum-copper alloy castings,steel plates,steel pipes,sections and steel str uctures,suface intensification of springs and chains,cutting of rocks,gfiding processing.
7小型铸件、锻件,热处理件、铝铜合金铸件,钢板带钢、钢管等清砂去除氧化皮,弹簧链条的表面强化及研磨加工石材切割。 |
Sand-removing and rust-cleaning of alloy castings,thin plates,strip steel,and small-sized stainless steel castings,intensificatin of springs,surface treatment before plating,improving roughness,enhancing adhesiveness.
3合金铸件、薄板。带钢、小型不锈钢铸件的清砂除锈、弹簧强化,喷涂前的表面处理,提高粗糙度增强附着力。 |
Sand-removing of large and medium sized castings,deoxidization of forgings,heat-freated pieces,steel plates,steel pipes,sections and steel structures,surface treatment before plating.
2大型、中型铸件的清砂。锻造件、热处理件的去除氧化皮、钢板、型钢及钢构件的除锈及表面强化。 |
Sand-removing of small and medium sized castings,rust-removing and intensification of forgings,heat-treated pieces,steel plates,steel pipes,sections and steel structures,surface treatment before plating,cutting of rocks.
7中小型铸造件的清砂、锻件、热处理件。钢板、钢管、型钢及结构件的除锈强化,涂镀、涂装前的表面处理及石材切割。 |
SandPs does not expect China's economy to suffer a hard landing. It said it was expecting the economy to continue to grow at about 9 per cent next year.
标准普尔预计中国的经济不会硬着陆。它表示,公司预计明年中国经济将继续增长约9%。 |
Sanders R · Displaced intra-articular fractures of the eatcaneus.J Bone Joint Surg (Am),2000,82 (2):225-250.
孙宏慧,王强,唐农轩.跟骨骨折的手术治疗.中国矫形外科杂志,2001,8(12):1232. |
Sandhurst In England and West Point in the U.S. are military academies.
英国的桑德赫斯特和美国的西点都是军事学院。 |
Sandia National Laboratories.Stand-alone photovoltaic systems:A handbook of recommended design practices[M].SAND87-7023 Updated July 2003:15.
杨金焕,葛亮,陈中华,等.太阳能发电系统的最佳化设计[J].能源工程,2003(5):25-28. |
Sandong Province Education Television station visited and took a documentary about Chinatown and CCBA.
山东教育电视台访问中华公所并拍摄了一辑关于中华公所和纽约华埠的记录片。 |
Sandora: This was a wonderful message and it's so encouraging to hear what you are saying. It helps us to know that we are on the right track.
这是一个令人愉快的信息而且它这样鼓励倾听你们所叙述的。它帮助我们了解,我们在正确的道路上。 |