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The reason this does not happen is not that we have become hardened to these fantastic appeals to our passions, but that we have become so groggy, so passive, so helpless amidst the endless barrage of appeals that “we go about our business,” as we say.

The reason that we must plant trees is that they can furnish us with fresh air. 我们必须种树的原因是它们能供应给我们新鲜空气.
The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. 神的儿子显现出来,为要除灭魔鬼的作为。
The reason the World Trade Center drew criticism was that it was to be gargantuan, even by the standards of a city already plastered with superlatives. 建造世贸中心的设想之所以遭到批评,首先是有人认为,即使按照纽约这个已被打造成世界超级大都市的标准来衡量,这一工程仍然显得过于庞大。
The reason the nine-to-five model still survives (despite all talk of its demise) is that it works incredibly well. 朝九晚五的模式有人说迟早要消亡,可事实不然,它还顽强地存活着,其原因是这种模式非常有效。
The reason they are going is that hypoxia (a lack of oxygen in cells, which can lead to death) is the one thing that links practically all patients in intensive-care wards—and there is no better place to study it than in the thin air of the world's highes 他们之所以这么做是因为,组织缺氧(细胞内缺少氧气,这是可以致命的)在实践中是和所有重症看护区中的患者有联系的,显然要研究它没有比在空气稀薄的世界第一高峰上更好的地方了。
The reason this does not happen is not that we have become hardened to these fantastic appeals to our passions, but that we have become so groggy, so passive, so helpless amidst the endless barrage of appeals that “we go about our business,” as we say. 这不发生的原因并不是我们对呼唤激情的荒谬的吸引力而感到麻木,而是我们在永无止境的铺天盖地的“我们只管自己的事情”的请求中变得如此虚弱,消极,无能为力。
The reason this is interesting is that there is a debate in biology between those who think signals such as flashy feathers are essentially arbitrary and those who think they are signs of underlying health and good genes. 这之所以这么有趣,是因为在生物界存在两种不同观点的争论,一种观点认为鲜艳的羽毛只是一种随机现象,另一种观点认为艳丽的羽毛显示了潜在健康状况和优良基因。
The reason this is such a problem is that the your gauge will be hitting the major dia. of the spline rather than checking the spacing and width of the spline's involute form. 问题在于,你的测量应该针对花键的长径,而不是用来检测花键渐开线模板的间距和宽度。
The reason was: they surpass clan mode in their home villages and based their native place mode, they set up their good image and hid their worse image in their commerce activity .When they served for their native place, they stand fast at the Confucian e 徽州商人发展的内在机制在于:它超越原来在家乡的家族观念,进而立足于乡井观念之上,在外经商时立意树立徽商的正面形象,着意隐匿那些被人们认为不良的形象。
The reason we are experiencing this peculiarly American phenomenon of evolution denial (the doppelg?nger of Holocaust denial, using the same techniques of rhetoric and debate) is that a small but vocal minority of religious fundamentalists misread the the 像这种美国人否认演化论的怪异现象(正如同有人否认二次大战纳粹对犹太人的大屠杀一样,用的都是相同的论调与辩辞),是因为少数但讲话大声的基本教义派宗教人士,误以为演化论会挑战他们根深蒂固的宗教信仰。
The reason we chose Hsiang Yuan as the venue of the Spring Convention was: it is a beautiful, quiet and convenient venue with multiple functions. 翔园是一个幽静、美丽且多功能的园地–两天所有的活动:包括教育训练、比赛、食、宿及游泳、球类、健身房、标准规格的运动场等休閒设施免费享用,也可以漫步于小别墅的林间幽径。

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