E. Each host is in a separate collision domain.
0网络中的主机组成一个冲突域,网络中的主机组成另一个冲突域. |
E. Forwarder's cargo receipt, third and charter party, short form, stale and bland backed bill of lading not acceptable.
运输人的收据、第三方或租船合约提单、简式提单、过期出运及提单背后没有条款的都不可接受。 |
E. I ect cornea for opacities by shining light at an angle toward the cornera. Check pupils for size, shape, and equality. I ect iris for symmetry.
用手电光斜照角膜,检查角膜浊斑。检查瞳孔大小、形状和对等。检查虹膜否对称。 |
E. Inspect cornea for opacities by shining light at an angle toward the cornera. Check pupils for size, shape, and equality. Inspect iris for symmetry.
用手电光斜照角膜,检查角膜浊斑。检查瞳孔大小、形状和对等。检查虹膜否对称。 |
E. Malinvaud. The Allocation of Small Risks in Large Markets.
《大市场中的小风险配置》。 |
E. Observe parallel eye movement, position of upper lid in relation to iris, and presence of nystagmus.
观察眼睛平行运动、上眼睑与虹膜对比位置和眼震。 |
E. Please confirm your acceptance of the audit programme by sign &chop below.
如您接受此评估计划,请在下面签名和盖章。 |
E. Wagener GmbH is one of the reliable industrial companies in the range Zinc as well as Aluminum, Cadmium and also Titanium.
高尔夫球运动、湾、海湾、钛和钛是我们文件中的一部分,请您电话垂询更多信息。 |
E. With container at hip level, open clamp and begin instillation.
容器置于臀部水平位置,打开夹子开始灌肠。 |
E. coli is especially problematic because it only takes as few as 10 cells to infect humans. Other pathogens, like salmonella, need thousands or millions of cells to cause infection.
大肠杆菌尤其可以的原因是这类细菌仅需10个细胞就可导致人类感染,其他病原体如沙门氏菌则需要几百上千万的细胞才能达到同样目的。 |
E. coli lives in the intestines of cattle and other animals and typically is read through contamination by fecal material.
大肠杆菌存活在牛或其他动物的大肠中,主要通过排泄物传播细菌。 |