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Slips of bamboo and wood are the most commonly used material for writing. Bamboo slips of Chu, Warring States.

Slip the viewfinder cap and shoulder pad onto the strap. 把背带穿过取景器盖和肩垫。
Slip your diamond gift on her finger when she's sleeping. 在她熟睡的时候把钻戒戴到她手上。
Slippers are in the drawer of the night table between the two beds. 拖鞋放在两张床中间的床头柜的抽屉里。
Slippers are usually worn indoors. 拖鞋通常是在室内穿的。
Slipping in the Spanish League and dropping five points at home to AEK Athens and Roma in the champions League represents a mere hiccup in what Roberto Carlos believes will ultimately be anther successful season. 国内联赛中的低糜表现,以及欧洲冠军联赛中,坐镇主场对阵AEK雅典队和罗马队,仅得5分,罗伯特·卡罗斯仅仅认为这只是遇到得一点小麻烦,不足以影响皇马最终完成又一个成功的赛季。
Slips of bamboo and wood are the most commonly used material for writing. Bamboo slips of Chu, Warring States. 竹、木简牍是纸发明前最主要的书写材料。图为战国楚竹简。
Slipshod assistance, foolish inattention, dowdy indifference, and half-hearted work seem the rule; and no man succeeds, unless by hook or crook or threat he force or bribes other men to assist him; or mayhap, God in His goodness performs a miracle, and se 懒懒散散、漠不关心、马马虎虎、敷衍了事的工作态度,似乎已经成为许多人的常态,除非苦口婆心或威逼利诱使劲浑身解数叫下属帮忙,又或者除非奇迹出现,上帝仁慈地赐给他一名得力助手,否则,它只能空叹无能为力。
Slitting width for six lanes can be adjustable with various specifications produced at the same time. 六排分切宽度可调尺寸不一,可同时生产多种规格产品。
Sliver or roving stretch at any stage. 在并条或粗纱加工阶段意外伸长。
Sliver_red,Rose_shaped;short and straight stems,slender stalks,elliptical leaves,mid_blooming. 银红色,蔷薇形。颈短而直。柄细长。叶椭圆。株型直立。分枝能立中。花期中。
Sloan LFM students with an interest in Information Systems are encouraged to register for this course. 我们鼓励对信息技术有兴趣并参与斯隆商学院制造业领袖计划的学生注册本课程。

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