It often takes trouble from outside to weld a family together.
要使一个家庭重归于好,往往需要求助于外力。 |
It once belonged to my father.
这个曾经属于我父亲。 |
It once seemed inconceivable to everyone that men should travel to the moon.
人们一度认为,人飞上月球似乎是不可想象的。 |
It once united us under one helm, only to divide us in the end.
它曾经将我们聚在一面旗帜下,却终将我们分离两地。 |
It one of the most addictive drugs we know.
它是最容易上瘾的毒品之一。 |
It only I hadn't lost it !
要是没丢(失它)多好! |
It only bear axial load, it couldn't bear any radial load.
由一个轴圈、一个座圈和一个球和保持架的组合件构成。 |
It only becomes an issue when there's no other factor that the customer can use to gauge your product's value.
当没有其他可让客户用来估计你的产品价值时它才会成为问题。 |
It only comes out at the full moon, when it dances on its enormous flat feet, sometimes leaving intricate patterns in wheatfields (much to the confusion of Muggles).
只在满月的夜晚才出穴,甩动它巨大的扁足翩翩起舞,有时候会在麦田里留下古怪的图案(让麻瓜们十分困惑)。 |
It only confirmed suspicions that the government would use any excuse to dig its hand deeper into the public's wallet.
这只是使怀疑得到了确信:政府会用一切借口将手伸入民众的腰包。 |
It only creates a strong bond when baked.
它只在烘焙后才会产生强粘结力。 |