For the purpose of solving the interconnection of the heating supply between the small high-rising building and multi-storied building,this paper advances that the pressure fixing system on the by-pass pipe should be used in the secondary network system,a
为了解决小高层和多层建筑的供热并网问题,提出了将旁通管定压系统应用于二次网系统中,并对旁通管补水定压系统调压幅度进行了探讨。 |
For the purpose of statistical analysis, the Competent Authority may compile a personnel dose database through its own efforts, or commission the job to relevant organizations, schools or groups.
主管机关为统计、分析辐射工作人员剂量,得自行或委托有关机关(构)、学校或团体设置人员剂量资料库。 |
For the purpose of the required standard of dealings, the grant to a Director of an option to subscribe or purchase The Company's securities shall be regarded as a dealing by him, if the price at which such option may be exercised is fixed at the time of
就「交易必守标准」而言,如果董事获授予期权/选择权去认购或购买公司的证券,而于授予期权/选择权之时已订下有关期权/选择权的行使价格,则授予董事有关期权/选择权将被视为该董事进行交易。 |
For the purpose of this Agreement, Productsmeans all types of the machineries manufactured by Manufacturer as are specified in Attachment A hereto.
本协议所称的“产品”,指制造人所制造如附件A表列之各式机器。 |
For the purpose of this Agreement, import licensing is defined as administrative procedures used for the operation of import licensing regimes requiring the submission of an application or other documentation (other than that required for customs purposes
就本协定而言,进口许可定义为用以实施进口许可制度的行政程序,该制度要求向有关行政机关提交申请或其他文件(报关所需文件除外),作为货物进入进口成员关税领土的先决条件。 |
For the purpose of this Convention any Contracting State may, by domestic legislation, assimilate to its own nationals any person domiciled in that State.
为实施本公约,任何成员国均可按照国内立法,将经常居住于该国的任何人按本国国民对待. |
For the purpose of this exception combustion shall include any self-sustaining process of nuclear fission.
上述核子燃烧包括自发的核子分裂在内。 |
For the purpose of this paper, some rough separators between the software intended for professionals and those intended for home use is that the professional software tends to have many more image-processing tools, support more file types, and provide hig
这个说明书的目的就是要说明,专业版软件和家庭版软件之间的一些粗略的差别,即专业版软件有更多的影像处理工具,支持更多的文件类型,提供了高端处理方面的优势,诸如分层和电子水印。 |
For the purpose of this post, we define a generic network as one that exists primarily to keep in touch and a specialized network is one where people are brought together based on the specific common interest.
在这篇帖子中,我们定义一般性网站是那些主要是为了用户之间保持联系而存在的网站,专业性网站是那些主要依靠人们某种相同的兴趣爱好聚集在一起而形成的网站。 |
For the purpose of this terms of reference, “Chief Executive Office” refers to the “Managing Director” as referred to in Articles of Association of Beijing Beida Jade Bird Universal Sci-Tech Company Limited and also the “President” as referred to in the C
就本职权范围而言“行政总裁”等同于北京北大青鸟环宇科技股份有限公司章程内所指的“董事总经理”,亦即是公司架构内的“总裁”。 |
For the purpose of water right registration, a water rights registration book shall be in place.
主管机关办理水权登记,应具备水权登记簿。 |