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Another method used in process costing is the weighted-aver-age method, which costs all work with unit costs that are a weighted-average of current and prior-month costs.

Another method is to ask a friend to delete words from a song transcript. 还有一种方法是,请一位朋友在一份歌曲文本中删掉一些词。
Another method is to constantly talk about the group as the plural pronoun: we decided, we can do this, we'll get back to you. 另一种方法是保证在提到团队的时候使用复数的代名词:“我们决定”,“我们可以做到”,“我们马上回来”。
Another method of increasing vortex pinning involves adding microscopic inclusions of some second material such as yttrium oxide or titanium diboride. 另一个增强涡流固定效果的方法是加入第二种材料的小颗粒,例如氧化钇或是二硼化钛。
Another method that falls under command guidance is the use of wire guided systems. 另外一种指令指导的系统是线导系统。
Another method that the scientists suggest is to plant sorghum during one growing season, followed by cowpea the next. 科学家提出的另一个方法是在一个生长季节种植高梁,在下一生长季节种植豇豆。
Another method used in process costing is the weighted-aver-age method, which costs all work with unit costs that are a weighted-average of current and prior-month costs. 分步法下另一种方法是加权平均法。该方法所用的约当产量单位成本是当月和上月约当产量单位成本的加权平均数。
Another method was to put large pieces of paper on a wall with one candidate's name on each paper. 还有这样一种投票方式:把几张大纸贴在墙上,每一大张纸上写着一个候选人的名字。
Another might be used for control purposes; changing the mode of the controller. 另一个则用于控制目的,用来改变控制器的运行模式。
Another milestone for our strategic presence in the enormous, up-and-coming China market in the new millennium. 也是踏入新世纪,我们在这迅速崛起、潜力无可限量的中国大陆市场的策略性发展上一个重要的里程碑。
Another modern staple at almost every Thanksgiving table is pumpkin pie. 现在,几乎每家感恩节餐桌上都有南瓜馅饼――感恩节的另一种主食。
Another moment of tension descends while students await the domestic flight that will take them to their temporary home in America. From then on it's everyone forhimself. 学生们在等待美国国内班机把他们带到在美国的临时家庭时,越发感到紧张。从那时起一切都得靠自己了。

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