She is now in extreme pain.
(她处在极度的痛苦之中。) |
She is now, due to / owing to ill health, not so active in the movement.
由于现在健康不佳,她在活动中并不怎么活跃。 |
She is obliged to abandon her idea of trying again.
她不得不放弃再试一次的想法。 |
She is occasionally dismissive about the farming village where she lived as a girl and now seldom visits except over Chinese New Year.
她偶尔对自己幼时居住,而现在仅在过年时回去的农村表示鄙夷。 |
She is of pensionable age.
她已到领取养老金的年纪了。 |
She is of perfectly sound mind.
她的心神非常清醒。 |
She is often mistaken for a famous singer.
她常常被误认为是一名著名的歌手。 |
She is often quite scurrilous in her reference to me.
她一提起我,常常骂骂咧咧的。 |
She is often shown standing on the inert form of her consort, Shiva.
她经常站在她的配偶,无活动性的湿婆上面。 |
She is often speaking lip-born words.
她很会讲一些言不由衷的好听话。 |
She is old enough to know better than to spend all her money on clothes.
她长大了,不会无知到把所有的钱都花在衣服上。 |