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Article 237 Definition of Financial Leasing Contract A financial leasing contract is a contract whereby the lessor, upon purchase of the lessee-selected lease item from a lessee-selected seller, provides the lease item to the lessee for its use, and the l

Article 23.Violations of Article 11 or Article 12 of these regulations or not fulfilling the responsibility or registering users shall be punished by a warning from Public Security or suspending network operations for six months. 第二十三条违反本办法第十一条、第十二条规定,不履行备案职责的,由公安机关给予警告或者停机整顿不超过六个月的处罚。
Article 230 Anyone that refuses or obstructs the performance of the securities regulatory body as well as its functionary on the functions and duties of supervision, examination and investigation by no means of violence or threat shall be given an adminis 第二百三十条拒绝、阻碍证券监督管理机构及其工作人员依法行使监督检查、调查职权未使用暴力、威胁方法的,依法给予治安管理处罚。
Article 235 Where any party concerned is dissatisfied with a decision of the securities regulatory body or a department as authorized by the State Council on punishment, it may file an application for an administrative review or file an litigation with th 第二百三十五条当事人对证券监督管理机构或者国务院授权的部门的处罚决定不服的,可以依法申请行政复议,或者依法直接向人民法院提起诉讼。
Article 236 Effect of Continued Use Beyond Lease Term Upon expiration of the lease term, if the lessee continues to use the lease item without objection by the lessor, the original leasing contract remains effective, provided that it becomes a non-term le 第二百三十六条租赁期间届满,承租人继续使用租赁物,出租人没有提出异议的,原租赁合同继续有效,但租赁期限为不定期。
Article 236 The securities that have been approved for listed trading in a stock exchange according to the relevant administrative regulations before the present Law comes into force may continue to be traded according to law. 第二百三十六条本法施行前依照行政法规已批准在证券交易所上市交易的证券继续依法进行交易。
Article 237 Definition of Financial Leasing Contract A financial leasing contract is a contract whereby the lessor, upon purchase of the lessee-selected lease item from a lessee-selected seller, provides the lease item to the lessee for its use, and the l 第二百三十七条融资租赁合同是出租人根据承租人对出卖人、租赁物的选择,向出卖人购买租赁物,提供给承租人使用,承租人支付租金的合同。
Article 238 Terms of Financial Leasing Contract; Writing Requirement A financial leasing contract includes terms such as the name, quantity, specifications, technical performance, and method of inspection of the lease item, the lease term, the rental comp 第二百三十八条融资租赁合同的内容包括租赁物名称、数量、规格、技术性能、检验方法、租赁期限、租金构成及其支付期限和方式、币种、租赁期间届满租赁物的归属等条款。
Article 239 Whoever kidnaps another person for the purpose of extorting money or property or kidnaps another person as a hostage shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment and also to a fine or confiscatio 第二百三十九条以勒索财物为目的绑架他人的,或者绑架他人作为人质的,处十年以上有期徒刑或者无期徒刑,并处罚金或者没收财产;致使被绑架人死亡或者杀害被绑架人的,处死刑,并处没收财产。
Article 23: In case of expiration of this contract or party B terminates the contract before the prescribed time, party B has the right to remove the decoration except the partition(Something that separates or holds apart) .Party B shall arrange and tidy 第二十三条租赁期满或乙方原因提前终止协议,乙方租赁范围内的室内外装璜除企业之间的隔断外均可自行拆除,但厂房内需清理干净,便于下一个企业入驻。
Article 23: Social bodies engaged in public welfare should practice strict economies, lower their management costs, and pay the salaries of their functionaries as well as administrative expenses with such revenues as bank interest according to relevant st 第二十三条公益性社会团体应当厉行节约,降低管理成本,工作人员的工资和办公费用从利息等收入中按照国家规定的标准开支。
Article 24 A civil aircraft lien shall be enforced by the People's Court by arresting the civil aircraft that gave rise to the said civil aircraft lien. 第二十四条民用航空器优先权应当通过人民法院扣押产生优先权的民用航空器行使。

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