The Taliban has threatened to use Ramadan to launch a new wave of attacks on government and Western military targets throughout the country.
塔利班威胁将利用斋月在全国范围内,对政府和西方驻军发起一波新的攻击。 |
The Taliban originally seized 23 South Koreans, but have since killed two of the hostages and released two others.
塔利班最初共扣押了23名韩国人,但已经杀害两名人质,另有两人已被释放。 |
The Taliban quickly announced responsibility for the attack and said the U.S. leader was the intended target.
塔利班很快地宣称对此次袭击负责并且说美国国家领导人是既定的袭击目标。 |
The Taliban wants prisoners released in exchange for hostages.
塔利班希望用人质与囚犯交换。 |
The Taliban's refusal to extradite bin Laden to the U.S. following the September 11 attacks in 2001 prompted the U.S. to attack Taliban and Al-Qaeda forces in Afghanistan.
2001年9月11日美国世贸大楼及五角大厦发生恐怖攻击后,塔利班拒绝美国交出宾拉登的要求,遭到美国及盟国的军事报复。 |
The Talipot tomb and ossuaries are such that they would have belonged to a rich family, which does not match the historical record for Jesus.
这个骨灰盒只能表明他们出生于一个富有的家庭,而这个家庭与耶稣没有任何历史联系。 |
The Tampere Region is the second largest urban area in Finland after the capital area and lies only one hundred miles north of Helsinki.
在这座位于芬兰首都赫尔辛基180公里的芬兰中心城市,坦佩雷理工学院开设多种广受欢迎的学位课程,为留学生提供第一流的硬件设施和师资力量。 |
The Tan-Timer Bikini has an electronic timer that beeps every 15 minutes to remind its wearer to roll over or seek shade.
这种比基尼配有一个电子计时器,没隔15分钟,它就鸣叫提醒穿者翻身或找阴凉避暑。 |
The Tang Dynasty (AD618-907) was an era of unparalleled importance which produced some of China's greatest literature and, in particular, poetry.
从公元618年至907年,大唐王朝是中国文学的昌盛时期,尤以诗歌最为繁荣。 |
The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality.
唐朝是一段以开明著称的时期。 |
The Tang Dynasty is regarded by historians as the peak in Chinese civilisation and many considered it the Golden Age of the Middle Kingdom.
它是出于对唐朝为中国历史文明的黄金时代的考虑而得名,并被视为最恰当的名字。 |