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Her husband went climbing mountains last weekend.It gave her the collywobbles even to think about it.

Her husband stuck by her in good times and bad. 无论境遇好坏她的丈夫都对她忠贞不渝.
Her husband was a brave pilot during the second world war. 她丈夫是二战期间一名英勇的飞行员。
Her husband was so ill that she had to stay by his bedside all night. 她丈夫病得很重,她不得不整夜守在他床边。
Her husband was sound asleep. 她丈夫睡得很熟。
Her husband watched for a little while without saying anything. 她的丈夫看了一会儿,没有说一句话。
Her husband went climbing mountains last weekend.It gave her the collywobbles even to think about it. 她丈夫上周末去登山了,只要一想到这,她就会感到忧虑不安。
Her husband's been on the booze again. 她丈夫又不停地喝起酒来.
Her husband's cruelty amazed and confounded her. 她丈夫的残忍让她既惊愕又惶惑。
Her husband's death left a vacuum in her life. 她丈夫的死使她的生活变得空虚。
Her husband's failure to notice her new hairstyle displeased her very much. 她丈夫没注意到她的新发型,这使她大为不悦。
Her husband's loud, irregular snoring annoyed her. (她丈夫大声不规则的打鼾,惹她厌烦。)

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