Out of that city, the defiant line of Kain prospered as he and his offspring embraced the wisdom of the serpent.
在城之外,叛逆的该隐家族拥抱着蛇之智慧而繁荣兴盛。 |
Out of the 174 Chinese brands selected, China Mobile ranked first.
在中国入选的174个品牌中,中国移动通信高居首位。 |
Out of the ashes of the Suffragette Movement,phoenix-like,a new feminist militancy was being born.
(宗教就像传说中的凤凰一样,在战争的灰烬中又复活了。) |
Out of the brightness before Him Fiery coals were kindled.
13因祂面前的光辉,火炭都着起来。 |
Out of the corner of my eye.
在我眼角的余光中。 |
Out of the eight men who fell in the fight , only three still breathed .
这场战斗中倒下的八个人中有三个还没咽气。 |
Out of the electronic tube has come one particularly tough little war baby.
从电子管中产生出一门格外强劲而短暂的战时工业。 |
Out of the game's 4,500 animations almost half have been redone or tweaked.
总共4500的动作几乎一半是重新制作和改良的。 |
Out of the ground the LORD God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
9耶和华神使各样的树从地里长出来、可以悦人的眼目、其上的果子好作食物.园子当中又有生命树、和分别善恶的树。 |
Out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field and every bird of the sky, and brought them to the man to see what he would call them; and whatever the man called a living creature, that was its name.
创2:19耶和华神用土所造成的野地各样走兽、和空中各样飞鸟、都带到那人面前看他叫甚麽.那人怎样叫各样的活物、那就是他的名字。 |
Out of the holistic context of paradigmatic changes of contemporary western philosophy, it is difficult for us to recognize the real content and meaning of changes in Marxian philosophy as well as the historical connection between Marxian philosophy and p
正是在这一背景中,两者发生著或隐或显的内在关联;离开西方当代哲学範式转换的整体背景,就难以认清马克思哲学变革的真实内容与意蕴,也难以看清马克思哲学与后现代理论之间的历史关联;因而,也就无法理解马克思哲学的时代超越性,无法认识马克思哲学对后现代理论题域所提出的诸多问题仍然具有的重要理论意义与价值。 |