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In developing programmes for promoting occupational safety and health protection and prevention of accidents under Standard A4.3, each Member should have due regard to relevant codes of practice published by the International Labour Organization and the a

In developing countries, property, particularly land and farm assets, are important, while cash savings tend to dominate in middle-income countries. 在发展中国家,不动产(尤其是土地和农田资产)颇为重要,而中等收入国家的主要财富形式往往是现金储蓄。
In developing countries, there are salient conflicts between economic complementarity in its own system, and the universal coordination failure in development and urgent demand for correcting the failure. 在发展中国家,经济自身内在的互补性与发展中协调失灵的普遍性、矫正协调失灵的紧迫性之间的矛盾尤为突出。
In developing cultural undertakings and industry, it is imperative to meet the requirements of developing advanced culture and always place social effects in the first place. 发展各类文化事业和文化产业都要贯彻发展先进文化的要求,始终把社会效益放在首位。
In developing its business in China, Cooper Tire came to China in 2004 and has made hundreds of million dollar capital investment, including plant, equipment, land and human resources. 随着在中国的业务快速发展,库珀轮胎于2004年来到了中国并已经在这里投资了近亿美元用于建设工厂、引进设备、土地规划和人力资源的培养。
In developing its new generation of hearing systems, Phonak studied how the human outer ear, the pinna, localizes sound. 佩戴助听器的人常常抱怨声音定位困难,也就是说,很难区分声音的来源。
In developing programmes for promoting occupational safety and health protection and prevention of accidents under Standard A4.3, each Member should have due regard to relevant codes of practice published by the International Labour Organization and the a 在根据标准A4.3制定促进职业安全和健康保护及防止事故的计划时,成员国应充分考虑到国际劳工组织出版的行为守则和国际组织的适当标准。
In developing the west, new ideas and mechanisms should be adopted. 开发西部应该引进新思想和新机制。
In developing this co., we will continuously keep the spirit of United ,factualistic,assiduous,endeavoringand idea of Treating people as the base and being credible and innovativeand serve customers more rapidly and better. 公司在发展的过程中,将继续发扬“团结、务实、好学、奋进”的精神,秉承“以人为本、诚信创业”的理念,更快、更好的为广大客户服务。
In development, changing of the etiquette system, utilizing the mechanism to change to The Book of Songs, the system of spread of The Book of Songs is not unalterable. 在礼典制度发展、变化的过程中,用诗机制发生了变化,《诗》的功用和影响发生了变化,传《诗》系统也不可能一成不变。
In development, the company will continue to reinforce its own funds, personnel strength, and strengthen our competitive advantages in Qingdao region and the province, the country's capital markets operation of a written letter. 在发展中,公司将不断充实自身的资金、人才实力,增强竞争优势,在青岛地区乃至全省、全国的资本市场运营中写下浓墨重彩的一笔。
In devising a strategy to maintain a grip on its blockbuster, Columbia may even be able to teach corporate patent holders a few lessons. 为了设法留住自己手上的王牌,哥大甚至够格教企业界几招。

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