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It's pretty rare in known neutron stars - basically they need to be hit by something and knocked off-axis, which doesn't happen often in space, and they're precessing at frequencies too low for LIGO.

It's possibly benefitbable to you! 那可能对你有利。
It's potential for good or evil, now and in the years of our lives, smothers exaltations and converts vanity to prayer. 在现在和我们过去的生活中,它都是一柄双刃剑,会使人越来越窒息、也会使人由空虚变得有信仰。
It's pouring with rain, so I'm afraid our picnic's gone for a burton. 下起了瓢泼大雨, 我们的野餐恐怕要吹了.
It's pouring with rain, so I'm afraid our picnic's gone for a burton. 下起了瓢泼大雨,我们的野餐恐怕要吹了.
It's pretty cold tonight. We'd better bundle up. 今晚很冷,我们最好多穿一些衣服。
It's pretty rare in known neutron stars - basically they need to be hit by something and knocked off-axis, which doesn't happen often in space, and they're precessing at frequencies too low for LIGO. 想一想橄榄球:如果扔得好,它将绕它的长轴稳定的自旋;如果扔坏了,它的自旋轴将偏离长轴而摆动起来。
It's pretty well impossible to travel over these mountains in winter. 在冬季要跨越这些高山,几乎是不可能的。
It's probable that they will come earlier. 他们可能会早点来。
It's probably going to change slowly but surely. 进展不快,但确实还是有改进的。
It's probably not as bad as she says she does tend to pile it on. 大概不像她说的那麽糟--她确实有意夸大事实。
It's probably safe to assume that they would not support Voldemort's reign of terror. 可以放心地认为他们是不会支持伏地魔的恐怖统治王权的。

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