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The boys were spitting out of the train window.

The boys were milling about in the corridor. 那些男孩子在走廊里绕来绕去。
The boys were mucking about in their room. 男孩们在房间里无所事事。
The boys were netting cicadas in the woods. 男孩子们在林子里用网捕捉蝉。
The boys were playing with balls. 男孩子们正在玩球。
The boys were running in excitement. 男孩们兴奋地跑来跑去。
The boys were spitting out of the train window. 那些男孩子向火车窗外吐口水。
The boys whispering in the corner are brewing some mischief. 那些在角落说悄悄话的男孩们正在企图搞鬼。
The boys' and girls' schools have (been) amalgamated to form a new comprehensive. 男校和女校联合而组成了一所新的综合中学.
The boys' attack on the old woman was quite unprovoked. 那帮男孩对老妇人的袭击完全是无来由的。
The boys' deaths — scattered in the United States, in Yemen, in Turkey and elsewhere in seemingly isolated horror — had one thing in common: They hanged themselves after watching televised images of Saddam Hussein's execution. 美国、也门、土耳其最近都发生看似无关的男孩自杀恐怖事件,但却有一个共同点:他们都是在看过萨达姆·侯赛因绞刑图片后上吊自杀的。
The boys, faced with this somewhat terrifying figure, had lost their tongues. 面对着这个有点可怕的人,孩子们吓得说不出话来。

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