Hard things are put in our way, not to stop us, but to call out our courage and strength.
摆在我们面前的困难并不是要阻挡我们,而是要唤起我们的勇气和力量。 |
Hard to believe that when Israel went to war in 1967, it enjoyed the sympathy of world opinion, who saw it as the plucky David against the Arab Goliath.
很难相信1967年以色列打响战争的时候得到了世界舆论的同情:英勇的大卫迎击阿拉伯歌利亚(歌利亚是旧约圣经里的非利士巨人勇士,被大卫用石头打死)。 |
Hard to believe, but settling differences with a duel had been the custom before the Revolution.
虽然这很难令人相信,但是以决斗来解决歧见,乃是从独立革命以来就有的习惯。 |
Hard to choose. I like chapter twelve of Sorcerer's Stone (The Mirror of Erised), and I am proud of the ending of Goblet of Fire.
很难选择。我喜欢魔法石第十二章(厄里斯魔镜),我觉得火焰杯的收尾也很出色。 |
Hard to ensure food quality. Street vendors are usually equipped with simple kitchenware and lacking professional training, therefore it is impossible to ensure the food quality.
食品质量难以保证。摊贩通常只有简陋的厨具,又缺乏专业的厨师,因此无法保证餐饮质量。 |
Hard to imagine that cars were a novelty in 1900.
很难想象1900年的时候,汽车是件新奇的东西。 |
Hard to legalize. Majority of street vendors are often running from the police.
难以合法化。大半的摊贩业者经常“跑警察”。 |
Hard to name one because they are all so great. Every TTR event is a good combination of good snowboarding and crazy partying.
答:其实很难讲,整体来讲都不错,每一个TTR的活动都是一个很好的交流单板和疯狂的聚会。 |
Hard to say what caused a headache - the rum or the brawl from the night before.
说不清是什么原因头痛--是朗姆酒还是前天晚上的争斗. |
Hard to say: some of the Brits did well, others (like me) fell by the wayside.
这很难说:一些英国人有很不错的表现,另一些(像我这种)就差远了。 |
Hard to see connection to product/service: Logo, tagline, and text on beginning pages do not describe what the website is actually about.
大量的文本内容中不包含一张图片:网页最好是图形、文本和其他元素的组合体。 |