Despite this, the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, one of eight regional groups that advise federal fishing agencies, says that it will fight to keep the area open to fishing. |
中文意思: 即使如此,作为8个联邦渔业管理机构之一的西太平洋渔业管理委员会却声称它将继续争取该地区对捕鱼业的开放。 |
Despite this, but many school teachers are automatically held in commemoration of June 6.
尽管这样,后来许多学校的教师仍于6月6日自动举行纪念活动。 |
Despite this, for CSE system that is still in an initial stage, there are many aspects needing to be perfected.
但是,注册安全工程师执业资格制度在我国才刚刚建立,有许多方面还需要不断完善。 |
Despite this, he was so extravagant that he was always in debt.
尽管收入不少,但他挥霍无度,经常债台高筑。 |
Despite this, in many developing countries, the literacy rate for women is abysmal.
尽管如此,许多发展中国家的妇女识字率却令人叹息。 |
Despite this, many models of chromatic harmonica are available in several different keys and this may seem a little strange.
但是许多型号的半音阶口琴都提供几种不同的调,这看起来有点儿奇怪。 |
Despite this, the Western Pacific Fishery Management Council, one of eight regional groups that advise federal fishing agencies, says that it will fight to keep the area open to fishing.
即使如此,作为8个联邦渔业管理机构之一的西太平洋渔业管理委员会却声称它将继续争取该地区对捕鱼业的开放。 |
Despite this, the feeling by many that he has peaked is nonsense.
尽管如此,许多人感觉到他已经达到巅峰的看法仍然是一种谬论。 |
Despite this, the market volatility in Asian and Emerging Markets saw investor's risk aversion rise sharply and selling pressures take hold, leaving the FTSE 100 index 0.5% lower.
即便如此,亚洲和新兴市场的股市震荡让投资者的风险意识急速提升,抛售压力占了主导地位,金融时报100指数下跌0.5%。 |
Despite this, the trend of globalization and emphasis on foreign-language education has not been allowed to devalue Swedens mother-tongue education and indigenous culture, as it has been considered important to strike a balance which will enable Swedish c
然国际化的趋势与外语的基础教育,并未对其母语教育与瑞典文化造成诋毁,重要的是在两者间取得平衡,并丰富瑞典文化的内涵。 |
Despite those differences and the difficulty to harmonize those two positions, they still provide necessary resources to think over the traps of modern moral life and the possibility to overcome them.
虽然这些伦理立场不同而很难协调,可是它们都提供很必要的资源来思考现代伦理生活所面的困境和它的未来的可能。 |
Despite those difficulties, as a responsible nation, China is prepared to make appropriate contributions in the current round of negotiations.
尽管如此,作为一个负责任的国家,中国仍将在本轮谈判中努力做出贡献。 |