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It is thought that whoever she crowns will be the next to wed.

It is thought that the core values of private enterprises involve human-oriented conception, trust and innovation. 认为以人为本、至诚守信、创新应变是现代民营企业发展的3大核心思想,也是民营企业核心价值观。
It is thought that the terrorists planned to blow up the aircraft in three simultaneous waves, possibly over major cities to cause maximum loss of life. 恐怖分子计划分三波在主要城市上空引爆飞机以制造最大量的人员伤亡。
It is thought that these are a manifestation of irrationalityand the miscommunicationbetween me and the world which surrounds me. 这是我与周遭世界之间的「不合理」与「缺乏沟通」的表现形式。
It is thought that these elicit the sepsis-induced attenuation of the muscle-relaxing effects of rocuronium. 从中得出脓毒血症引起的减弱肌松剂罗库溴铵的作用。
It is thought that these problems could not he solved in a short run owing to the formation of these factors. 作者认为,由于这些因素的形成并非一朝一夕,因此问题的解决不可能一蹴而就。
It is thought that whoever she crowns will be the next to wed. 被新娘戴上花冠的人被认为是下一个要结婚的人。
It is thought the burning sensation of the chilli pepper is an evolutionary ploy to stop mammals eating them. 有人认为,辣椒味道刺激,这可能是辣椒保护自己不被哺乳动物吃掉的一种“进化”的策略。
It is thought the car could not have been driven, leading police to think it must have been spirited away , or more likely, towed or full lifted from the scene. 由于这辆车无法发动,因此警方推断车可能被盗贼用房车秘密拖走,或更有可能“被拖车拖走或直接用起重机吊走。”
It is thought to date from about 700 AD and to be an example of ancient Peruvian Mochica civilisation art. 该头饰的制作年代被认为可以追溯到公元700年左右,它可能是古代秘鲁莫奇卡文明艺术的代表。
It is thought to represent and area where the chromosome is relatively tightly coiled. 它被认为是染色体相对紧密折叠的区域。
It is thought unlucky to see a hare in the morning but to meet a wolf or a bear is a good sign that hunting will be good. 人们认为一大早看到野兔是会倒霉的,但如果碰到狼或熊则是一个好兆头,因为它将预示着狩猎的顺利。

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