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You will see them used liberally in all types of effective advertising.

You will see some more of the Ikebana, or flower arrangement display by using camellias. 你将会看到更多的插花作品,或是利用茶花所做出的花艺展示.
You will see some of your own abilities change as you build the new matrix overlay. 当你建立新的矩阵覆盖的时候,你将见到一些你自己的能力的改变。
You will see that it is like a flea,constantly hopping to and fro. 你会发现心就像跳蚤一样跳个不停。
You will see the entrance to the park at the crossroads. 在十字路口就可以看到公园大门。
You will see the new proteins on your screen saver by early next week. 你将在屏保上看到之前从未看到过的新蛋白质。
You will see them used liberally in all types of effective advertising. 这两个词创造的财富比其它词都要多。
You will see this in Chapter 35. 你将会在第35章中见到这些。
You will see this marker move from point to point as the search progresses. 搜寻过程中你会看到这个标记一点点地移动。
You will see those arrogant people no more, those people of an obscure speech, with their strange, incomprehensible tongue. 19你必不见那强暴的民,就是说话深奥,你不能明白,言语呢喃,你不能懂得的。
You will see to it that your methods are ideal. 你可以注意你的方法是完美的。
You will see wonders beyond imagining. 你们将会遇到超越想象的奇迹。

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