The Doha Round was suspended in late July after six major members Australia, Brazil, the European Union, India, Japan and the United States failed to reach a consensus on agricultural and industrial trade.
由于澳大利亚、巴西、欧盟、印度、日本和美国六个世贸组织主要成员未能就农产品和工业品的贸易问题达成一致,多哈谈判于今年7月下旬被迫中止。 |
The Doha round of global trade talks is floundering.
多哈全球贸易谈判仍在僵持中。 |
The Doha round of global trade talks, which he referred to as the “Darfur round”, is, like the bloodied province of Sudan, an intractable problem that has consumed vast diplomatic efforts to little effect.
这位仁兄竟称多哈回合为“达尔富尔回合”,因视其为耗费了美国大量民主努力却收效甚微的棘手问题,而同苏丹境内的那个血腥省份相提并论。 |
The Doha round of trade talks is in tatters, because farm protection is still too precious.
由于对农业的过分保护,已使得多哈回合谈判满目苍夷。 |
The Domestic Helper/Caretaker shall strictly observe and comply with the EMPLOYER's work rules and relevant regulations.
监护工/家庭帮佣应严格遵守并配合雇主工作相关规定. |
The Dominican Republic issued a hurricane warning along portions of its southern coast.
多米尼加共和国南部沿海地区已经发布飓风预警. |
The Dominican Republic, Panama and Costa Rica had already removed thousands of tubes of toothpaste from store shelves.
多米尼加、巴拿马和哥斯达黎加等中美洲国家,都已经从商店货架上撤走成千上万的中国制牙膏。 |
The Dongjiang Group now takes Shenzhen Dongjiang as its production base ,mainly producing large-scale high-presision injection molding tool and plastic product,covering hundreds of kinds of plastic producing for television, refrigerator, washing machine,
东江集团现时以深圳东江为生产基地,主要生产大型高精密注塑模具及塑胶产品,包括电视机、电冰箱、洗衣机、冷气机、电脑终端机等塑胶件数百种产品,而香港则作为联络处。 |
The Dongshengcun Formation can not be perfectly correlated with the Didao Formation in the lower part of the Jixi Group.
东胜村组与鸡西群下部的滴道组不能完全对比。 |
The Dongwufenzi formation is an important Fe-bearing stratum, while the Liushugou formation is a significant stratum for Au deposits in Middle Inner Mongolia.
根据新的同位素测年资料,色尔腾山岩群的形成时代为新太古代。 |
The Dongyuan Salt Well was listed September 1985 as cultural relic of Zigong City and now is a producing and working place of the low pressure gas workshop of JiuDa Salt Group.
东源井于1985年9月被列为自贡市文物保护单位,现在久大盐业集团低压气车间生产作业地。 |