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No wonder human breath can at times be so offensive.

No wonder Jesus regarded baptism as being so important. 难怪耶稣把洗礼看得如此重要。
No wonder a copy only costs one yuan! 怪不得一份报纸才卖一块钱!
No wonder colds are common! 因此,感冒那么常见就不奇怪了。
No wonder he has zeroed in on ancient Chinese poetry mostly with a motif of nostalgia and homesickness. 是以所译诗词,皆遴柬抚昔恋乡之作,未足奇也。
No wonder he wanted to kill you. 不足为奇的他想要杀你。
No wonder human breath can at times be so offensive. 无怪乎,口臭有时这麽令人难以忍受。
No wonder it is called Guangzhou. 要不怎麽叫“广州”呢?
No wonder my leg still hurt so bad from last week workout. 怪不得自从上周做了测试后,我的腿一直在疼呢.
No wonder my legs still hurts so bad from last week workout. 怪不得自从上周做了测试后,我的腿一直在疼呢.
No wonder our bus driver is mumbling to himself. 难怪我们的公车司机一直喃喃自语。
No wonder people all say , the child's soul is pure , the child's eyes had no time purly , anything in the world, if can watch the child's eyes , come to think deeply with the child's mode of thinking, then the world is really beautiful. 怪不得人们都说,孩子的心灵是纯真的,孩子的眼睛是纯真无暇的,世上的任何事情,如果能用孩子的眼光来看,用孩子的思维方式来思考,那么世界真是美好的.

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