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The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the ice from melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling.

The commonality between sefl-annotations and short prefaces is the function of instructing reading, but they are different in that the former focus on words, phrases and sentences and are thus local explantations while the latter on background and reasons 自注与小序都足起导读作用的说明性文字,而小序是注背景缘由的,自注是注字词语句的,小序是说明全词的,自注是说明局部的;两者都有重要的史料价值。
The commonest diagnoses were nerve sheath cell tumors (neurilemmomas and schwannoma) and meningioma. 肿瘤之病理诊断以神经鞘细胞瘤最多(64%),脑膜瘤居次(22%)。
The commonest intial symptoms were back pain and numbness over limbs, but later muscle weakness and sphincter disturbances came to predominate. 起初最常见之症状为背痛及肢体麻木感,肿瘤常至肢体无力成大小便障碍出现时才被诊断出来。
The commonest type of power supply noise is swishing noise. 精密混合信号电路中最好别用开关电源。
The commonsense commonwealth government no longer uses the uncommon commonplace. 有常识的联邦政府不再使用不寻常的陈腐之言。
The commonsense notion that the best icebox was one that prevented the ice from melting was of course mistaken, for it was the melting of the ice that performed the cooling. 认为最好的冰箱应该防止冰的融化这样一个普遍的观点显然是错误的,因为正是冰的融化起了制冷作用。
The commotion brought out the neighborhood. Nobody dared approach the python, but they all cheered on the four brave dogs from a distance. 这场骚乱把邻居们都引来了。没人敢接近那条蟒蛇,他们都为那几条从远方来的狗叫好。
The communal wharfs of Phase I and II in Jiaxing Port is located in the economic booming area in the south flank of the Yangtze Delta, economically influencing the whole Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Area as well as part of the proximity of South Jiangsu, South 嘉兴港一、二期公用码头位于长江三角洲南翼经济发达地区,其经济腹地覆盖整个杭嘉湖地区以及苏南、皖南、沪西南部分周边地区,均属长江三角洲经济发达地区。
The commune has embarked on a program of reshaping its hills and rivers. 这个公社已开始实施一项重新整治河山的规划。
The commune members set off firecrackers to celebrate the successful completion of the reservoir. 为庆祝水库的胜利建成,社员们放起了鞭炮。
The communication between people is lesser when they can get information at home. 当人们在家里就能得到任何所需信息时,人与人之间的接触就很少了.

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