Based on 185 listed companies with competitive shareholding structure in China, we find that the shareholding ratio by the 5 larger shareholders is related with each other significantly, the ratio of share held by the top 1, top 2 and top 5 large sharehol
对我国185家竞争性股权结构公司的分析表明,前五大股东持股比例之间呈现出依次显著性的正相关关系,第一、第二和第五大股东持股比例与公司业绩显著正相关,但这类上市公司并没有比非竞争性股权结构公司具有更好的业绩。 |
Based on 1986 TM and 2000 ETM data, the land use and landscape pattern change in the source region of the Yangtze River was studied with geographical information system (GIS) and the analytic method of landscape ecological spatial patterns in both spatial
摘要长江源区是我国重要的水源涵养区,也是高海拔地区生物多样性最集中的地区和生态变化最为敏感的地区。 |
Based on 1:1,000,000 generalized aeromagnetic survey in central and western Qinghai-Tibet plateau, this paper has made interpretation and investigation on such geological and geophysical problems related to the plateau area as the Yarlung Zangbo River sut
摘要根据青藏高原中西部1:100万航磁概查结果,对雅鲁藏布江缝合带、塔里木盆地南部边界、高原内部几条规模较大断裂和区域性负磁异常等高原地区几个有关的地质和地球物理问题进行了解释和探讨,获得了与以往不同的认识,这对青藏高原的深入研究具有重要意义。 |
Based on 1:100000 high-precision aeromagnetic data, the author holds that Huangzhuguan-Yushuba fault is not only a second-order synsedimentary fault associated with Lixian-Mayanhe regional fault in the north, but also a deep fault that cuts the basement.
摘要通过对1:10万高精度航磁资料研究,认为黄渚关-榆树坝断裂不仅仅是其北部礼县-麻沿河区域性断裂伴生的1条次级同沉积断层,而是1条切割基底的深大断裂。 |
Based on 2002-2006 European Innovation Scoreboard Methodology Reports issued by EU and EU's strategy ″Creating an Innovative Europe″, we found that EU's innovation appraisal methodology is being transformed from the criterion of new technology creation to
通过对2002年至2006年欧盟创新评价方法报告以及2006年欧盟委员会公布的欧洲创新战略——《创造一个创新型欧洲》的研究,发现欧盟创新评价方法正在由以新知识和新技术创造过程为主线的评价变革为以创新需求、创新投入、创新产出、创新传播为主线的创新过程评价。 |
Based on 30 typical samples of gateways including six major factors, a new model of support vector machines for the classification of surrounding rocks of gateways was constructed.
选择6项影响回采巷道围岩分类的主要指标,利用30组巷道围岩数据作为学习样本,建立了回采巷道围岩分类的支持向量机模型。 |
Based on 3D fundamental equations of elasticity and by assuming boundary displacement functions associated with free edges, the state equation for orthotropic laminated plate is established and a analytical solution for rectangular plate with two opposite
摘要从三维弹性力学基本方程出发,通过假设自由边的边界位移函数,建立了正交异性层合板的状态方程,给出了对边自由,对边简支矩形板的解析解。 |
Based on 452 specimens and samples collected from seven karst caves in England from 1998 to 2000, the floristic characteristics of the bryophytes of karst caves including (1) the bryoflora consist of 65 taxa in 41 genera and 20 families; (2) The phyto-geo
摘要根据作者1998~2000年采自英格兰7个岩溶洞穴452份苔藓植物标本研究,英格兰岩溶洞穴苔藓植物区系具有下列特征:(1)区系种类由20科41属65种(含变种亚种)组成;(2)区系地理成分含北温带分布(52.30%)、温带欧洲分布(15.38%)、欧洲-亚洲分布(1.54%)、欧洲-北美分布(12.31%)、旧世界温带分布(4.62%)、英国特有(1.54%)和世界广泛分布(12.31%)等7种成分;(3)生活型含高丛集型(9.22%)、矮丛集型(20%)、交织型(61.54%)、扇型(4.08%)和 |
Based on 80C196KC single-chip microprocessor AC sample system, this paper especially analyses various factors that influence the precision of Half-cycle Fournier Arithmetic, makes improvement on many ways such as arithmetic ,frequency measure, sample step
摘要结合80C196KC单片机交流采样系统,著重分析了影响半波付里叶算法精度的各种因素,并在交流采样算法、测频、采样步长划分、采样同步、单片机A/D转换、抗干扰以及参数计算等方面提出了改进,给出了实用的硬件图和软件流程图。 |
Based on 9 years' field data of bed-load transport and the corresponding hydraulic parameters at the Erwangmiao hydrology station on Dujiangyan river, 6 formulae for the prediction of the sediment transport are analyzed.
摘要以都江堰二王庙水文站9年实测的卵石推移质输沙率资料和对应的水力参数为基础,选用6个有代表性的公式进行了分析计算和对比。 |
Based on APQC*s study of and collaboration with best practice organizations over a period of years, APQC*s Road Map to Knowledge Management Results: Stages of ImplementationTM framework spells out the essential steps to achieve true knowledge management i
根据APQC多年的在最佳实践基础上的研究和总结,这份实施指南说明了成功知识管理实施阶段中的关键步骤。 |