Sir Alex Ferguson's side won 12 of their last 16 games to avoid this term's Champions League qualifiers, and Fletcher sees that run as the reason United have started in such fine fettle this time around.
上赛季弗格森爵士的球队在16场比赛理赢下了12场,从而避免参加冠军杯资格赛,弗莱彻把这看作本赛季曼联开局出色的原因。 |
Sir Alex Ferguson, the United manager, has described as “half-baked” the idea that England could take an 80 per cent fit Rooney to Germany but, with such tantalising signs that he could be back in full training by early June, Eriksson will give him every
曼联经理弗格森爵士把英格兰带80%康复的鲁尼去德国形容为仓促的决定,但是有迹象表明他会在6月初恢复正常训练,埃里克森不愿放弃任何机会。 |
Sir Alex admitted: We are not too badly off in the forwards department. We are going to convert Alan Smith back into being a forward.
弗格森爵士供人到:“我们的前锋配备并不差。我们将让史密斯重新回到锋线。 |
Sir Alex beat two managers from League Two to top spot in the awards - powered by ProZone. Stockport's Jim Gannon finished runner-up behind Ferguson, with Rochdale's Keith Hill in third.
弗格森爵士击败了乙级联赛联赛的2位经理而获奖。斯托克的吉姆.甘诺紧随弗格森爵士之后,而洛克达尔德凯斯.希尔派在第三。 |
Sir Alex confirmed Ferdinand's injury had a major impact on the result and said the defender will likely miss the Reds' next four games.
爵爷承认里奥的受伤下场对于本场比赛平局的结果有重要的影响,并且据爵爷的说法,里奥可能会缺席曼联随后的4场比赛. |
Sir Alex described the incident as innocuous, but there are fears that Wayne could miss the start of the season if the Dutch FA report the incident to their English counterparts and they decide to punish him.
弗格森强调鲁尼的犯规是无意的,但如果荷兰足协将事件报告交给英足总而英足总决定追加处罚的话,鲁尼将会错过赛季初的比赛。 |
Sir Alex has called for – and is confident of receiving – an improved performance on last season, which saw the Reds crash out earlier than expected in the group stages.
上个赛季,曼联在小组赛中出人意料地早早惨败而归。弗格森希望,也肯定球队将会比上个赛季的表现更加出色。 |
Sir Alex has claimed his side will need to amass over 90 points - 65 more from 28 games – in order to prevent Jose Mourinho's side capturing a third successive crown.
弗格森爵士日前在一次采访中表示为了能够战胜穆里尼奥的切尔西夺得今年的英超联赛冠军,他和他的曼联队打算在接下来的28轮联赛中至少拿65分,使赛季总积分超过90分。 |
Sir Alex has no doubts about Anderson's talent, insisting he simply needs a little more time to settle into England's top flight.
弗格森毫不怀疑安德森的才华,坚持他只再需要很少一点时间来适应英国的顶级比赛。 |
Sir Alex reckons it will be another close call, but says this year Ronaldo may leave his wallet a little bit lighter.
虽然罗纳尔多与打赌胜利进一步之遥,但是弗格森爵士说这个赛季罗纳尔多会让他小出一点血。 |
Sir Alex refused to use the lack of recent action for the likes of Gabriel Heinze, Mikael Silvestre and Alan Smith as an excuse.
福格森爵士拒绝用缺少比赛来为海因策、西尔韦斯特、史密斯作托辞。 |