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No haphazard hit-or-miss methos will do.

No ground troops are in Laos, so it's all right to kill Laotians as long as it's done by remote control. 在老挝没有地面部队,只要屠杀是遥控进行的,就可以枪杀老挝人。
No grown woman is a fan of premature ejaculation. 没有一个成熟的女人是早泄的粉丝。
No gulf that perfect love will not bridge. 没有任何隔绝,完全的爱不能造桥。
No gum is allowed in the dance studio. 4不可在舞蹈室咀嚼口香糖。
No handsome little boy to deceive me. 没有英俊的小男孩来欺骗我。
No haphazard hit-or-miss methos will do. 随意的、漫无目的的方法是不起什么作用的。。
No hard drives have been found.You probablu need to manually choose device drives for the installina to succeed.Would you like to select drivers now? 警告:没有找到任何硬盘驱动器。你需要手动选择设备驱动才可以成功安装。你希望现在就选择驱动吗?
No hard figures are available on the number of cyclists in the city. 现在还没有可靠的数据统计伦敦到底有多少骑自行车的人。
No hardness could stop him from pursuing his goals. 任何困难也阻挡不住他去追求他的目标。
No hare, sir; unless a hare, sir, in a lenten pie, that is something stale and hoar ere it be spent. 不是什么野兔子;要说是兔子的话,也不过是斋节里做的兔肉饼,没有吃完就发了霉。
No harm can come of trying. 试一下不会有什么坏处的。

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