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Also introduced are the applications of advanced control strategies, such as self-adaptation control, changing-structure control and intelligent control, to the control system of permanent magnet synchronous motor.

Also indigenous to the region is the saddleback wrasse, seen underneath, which feeds on dead and damaged skin. 在海龟下面的是濑鱼,同样是夏威夷本土鱼种,它食用坏死的皮屑。
Also intend that one adjusts the movement to serve one's current level of ascent by requesting this of Earth's angels. 请意想,在请求地球天使们的协助中,你将(符号培育的)运动调整来服务于目前的提升水平。
Also interest payments are higher on corporate bonds. 公司债券的利息支付也比较高。
Also interested in fisheries biology. 对渔业生物学也有很大兴趣。
Also introduced : Hong crisp game of chicken row Oh, the children adjust quickly and roast them to eat. 游戏介绍:又香又脆的鸡排哦,小朋友们排队买,快快烤给他们吃。
Also introduced are the applications of advanced control strategies, such as self-adaptation control, changing-structure control and intelligent control, to the control system of permanent magnet synchronous motor. 介绍了自适应控制、变结构控制和智能控制等先进控制策略在永磁同步电动机控制系统中的应用。
Also is domestic only 11 moves towards the internationalization the examination nterprise organization. 也是国内唯一一家走向国际化的检验企业机构。
Also is your P5.0 is demo version or you have installed demo version before, incorrect license file have same error also. 再者如你的P5.0是演示版或曾安装演示版,那个授权档可能与软件不配合。
Also it analyzes the form of Matsu Worship which was flourishing in Ming Dynasty and Zheng He's own devout faith in Sea God, and discusses the connection between the “Zheng He Worship” still prevalent in Southeast Asia and Zheng's historic navigation, fro 文章分析妈祖信仰在明代兴盛的表现形式和郑和本人对海神的极度崇拜,并从郑和下西洋前后华侨华人向东南亚等地区的迁徙与定居,论证迄今为止仍在东南亚各国人民中长盛不衰的郑和信仰与郑和下西洋宏伟壮举之间的渊源关系。
Also it can be riseseffectively contraceptive result, and effectivelyof prevention sexually transmitted disease Furthermore this condom has stores for lubricating the type, which is not capable of killing sperms. 避孕套为一次性使用,使用前请详细阅读使用说明书,可以有效的起到避孕的效果,并可以有效的预防性病。
Also it describes how to select suitable application system (application software and application server), how to install firewall and prepare necessary anti-virus measures in construction. 在组建过程中,还要如何选择适合的应用系统(应用软件,应用服务器),安装好防火墙,做好防病毒措施。

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