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That was Bill Gates talking in 1992.

That wall leans so much it might fall over. 那堵墙倾斜得很厉害,可能会倒.
That wall leans so much that it might fall over. 那堵墙倾斜得很厉害,可能会倒。
That war also buried the big idea—unilateral withdrawal—on which the new Kadima party he inherited from Ariel Sharon was elected. 那场战争也使单方面撤军这个很吸引人的口号灰飞烟灭了,而正是这个口号让前进党在大选中获胜,他也因此能从沙龙手中接过总理的宝座。
That was $5 per yard, right? 每码五元,对吧?
That was 40 years ago, but of course you wouldn't remember it. 那是40年以前的事, 你自然想不起来了.
That was Bill Gates talking in 1992. 译文:那是比尔·盖茨1992年的说词/说的话。
That was Roy's sense of humour. 这就是罗伊.基恩式的幽默。
That was a 1-0 triumph over Panathinaikos through a Diego Forlan goal, and the Boss admitted he was relieved to end the unwanted run. 上次是依靠弗兰的进球1-0击败帕纳辛奈科斯,老板也承认终于结束了令人尴尬的记录。
That was a clever gambit to move your bishop out so early in the chess game. 在这盘西洋棋中你如此早搬出你的象,那真是聪明的一步棋。
That was a close call! We nearly hit that car. 真是好险啊,我们差点撞着那辆汽车。
That was a close call, the train nearly hit the car. 好险,火车差一点就撞上那部车子

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