When a tsunami struck the islands soon after, it killed only five people.
当海啸不久之后真的来袭时,仅有五人丧生。 |
When a user logs in or registers a new account, he/she probably has to enter a password, and this password will be sent to your server, but have you ever thought about how the password is sent?
当一个用户注册的时候,他需要填写密码,然后密码被传输到服务器,你有没有想过密码是如何传递的呢? |
When a user performs a specific action, the correct UI Handler is called.
当用户执行某个特定操作时,系统会调用可用的用户交互处理器。 |
When a user searches the internet for web sites, most search engines will display the title of your web site in the search result.
当一个用户搜索网站内容时,大多数搜索引擎将在搜索结果中显示网站标题。 |
When a user selects a business name, the details of that business appear in the right section, for example business name, address, telephone, or e-mail.
当用户选择企业名称,相应的企业内容显示在右边部分,例如企业名称,地址,电话,或电子邮件。 |
When a user submits a form, clicks on a link, or otherwise generates a request, the cycle starts anew.
当用户再次提交一个表单或点击一个链接,总之生成一个请求,那么处理流程将重新开始。 |
When a user with a mobile phone inputs 15 seconds of music, the system creates a digital signature for that snippet and then looks for a matching pattern in the database.
如果某个行动电话使用者输入15秒的音乐,系统就会为这个音乐片段建立一个数位特徵,然后寻找资料库里是否有同样的模式。 |
When a visitor clicks on a link to submit a form or use a tool, does it work?
当你的网站浏览者点下表单的确认钮或是使用网站的工具时,保证可以运作吗? |
When a volcano erupts, Wooden Hanger(ecvv gold supplier)Wooden Hanger (K130-6)(ecvv gold supplier)Wooden hanger (K130-3)(ecvv gold supplier)dust is blasted[3] high above the troposphere and may take weeks to be carried around the weather zone, so cannot b
火山爆发时,尘埃被高高喷射入对流层以上的空间,需要几个星期才飘浮移至气象层,因而雨水无法将其从大气中冲走。 |
When a volcano erupts, dust is blasted[3] high above the troposphere and may take weeks to be carried around the weather zone, Vmax Swivel Sweeper GCEB20B(ecvv gold supplier)Wooden Hanger(ecvv gold supplier)Wooden Hanger(ecvv gold supplier)cannot be washe
火山爆发时,尘埃被高高喷射入对流层以上的空间,需要几个星期才飘浮移至气象层,因而雨水无法将其从大气中冲走。 |
When a volcano erupts, dust is blasted[3] high above the troposphere and may take weeks to be carried around the weather zone, so cannot be washed out of the air by rain.
火山爆发时,尘埃被高高喷射入对流层以上的空间,需要几个星期才飘浮移至气象层,因而雨水无法将其从大气中冲走。 |