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The nurse walked on tiptoe for fear of waking the patient.

The nurse took his temperature. 护士替他量体温。
The nurse took the temperatures of all the patients. 那位护士为所有的病人量了体温.
The nurse treads light in the ward. (adv. 护士在病房里走路脚步轻。
The nurse turned the old man over to wash his back. 护士给老人翻个身擦洗后背.
The nurse visits patients in their homes. 护士对病人进行家访.
The nurse walked on tiptoe for fear of waking the patient. 护士踮着脚走惟恐会吵醒病人。
The nurse walked the children out of the kindergarten. 保育员把狱子们带出了幼儿园。
The nurse was all kindness. (=The nurse was kindness itself.) 这位护士非常亲切。
The nurse was left in charge of the children. 保姆留下来照料孩子们。
The nurse when acting in a professional capacity should at all times maintain standards of personal conduct which reflect credit upon the profession. 护士在作为一种职业力量起作用时,个人行动必须时刻保持能反映职业荣誉的标准。
The nurse will be assessing risk, so that appropriate interventions can be made at appropriate times. 护士对风险进行评估,就可以在适当的时候采取适当的措施。

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