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A major dust storm causes deterioration in the air quality.

A major concern investors have about unsecured corporate bonds, no matter how highly rated, is that the rating agencies will downgrade them because of some disruptive event affecting the issuer. 投资者对于没有保证的公司债券的主要担心在于,不论现在的评级有多高,一旦发生对发行人产生严重影响的事件,评级机构将调低其评级。
A major condom brand said it expected thousands of applicants for a new unpaid job on offer _ condom tester. 一个主要的避孕套品牌生产商表示它期待能有数以千计的申请者参与这个无偿的避孕套测试。
A major design change adds uncertainty to apathy as a reason that computer owners might postpone an upgrade. 对电脑本来就不太关心的消费者来说,核心架构改变所增加的不确定性,可能使他们因而延缓升级。
A major discovery unfolded over the past five years as it became possible for scientists to compare accurate maps of the geomagnetic field taken 20 years apart. 过去五年里,由于科学家终于能够比对相隔20年所观测到地球磁场的准确分布,因而有了重大发现。
A major divided highway designed for high-speed travel. 高速公路为高速行进而设计的占主要的被分开的公路
A major dust storm causes deterioration in the air quality. 一波强大的沙尘暴导致空气品质恶化。
A major feature of Chobe National Park is its elephant population. 丘比国家公园的一个主要特色就是它的象群。
A major feature of the island is Lake Tegano, which was the former lagoon on the atoll. 这个岛最主要的特色就是特加诺湖,它以前是环状珊瑚岛的泻湖。
A major has a crown on the shoulder of his uniform. 一名少校在制服的肩部有个王冠形的纹章。
A major industrial region of northeast Illinois and northwest Indiana on Lake Michigan adjacent to Chicago. 卡柳梅特位于伊利诺斯州东北部和印第安纳州西北部的一个重要的工业区,靠近密歇根湖并与芝加哥毗邻
A major innovation that affected the mobility of capital was the evolution of the bill of exchange and particularly the development of techniques and instruments that allowed for the negotiability of the bill of exchange and the development of discounting 影响了资本流动性的一项主要的革新是汇票的发展,特别是技术和设备的发展便利了汇票的可谈判性以及折扣方法的发展。

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