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It is no wonder (that) he'll sign the contract tomorrow.

It is no use trying to guess whether Ban Ki-moon will be a match for Kofi Annan, because he will have to be more influential. 没必要猜测潘基文是否能比得上安南,因为他必须更有影响力。
It is no use trying to suppress that side of myself. 要抑制我这方面的本能是无济于事的。
It is no use worrying about it. There is nothing you can do. 担心这个是没有用的,反正你也不能做什麽.
It is no useful to decrease all product's price. 把所有的产品都降价出售没有什么好处。
It is no wander that the term “electronic sweatshop” is used to describe such conditions, where information and customers are processed in an assembly line fashion. 难怪人们用“电子血汗工厂”这个词来描述这种处理信息和顾客的流水作业的工作环境。
It is no wonder (that) he'll sign the contract tomorrow. 他明天签约是不足为怪的。
It is no wonder that cou elors of battered women are inclined to advise a black-and- blue wife for divorce. 怪不得被打妇女的律师们一般都劝告被打得鼻青脸肿的妻子离婚。
It is no wonder that counselors of battered women are inclined to advise a black-and- blue wife for divorce. 怪不得被打妇女的律师们一般都劝告被打得鼻青脸肿的妻子离婚。
It is no wonder that he should have succeeded. 他成功了是不足为奇的。
It is no wonder you were so late. 难怪你来得那么晚。
It is nobody's source of income or a commodity to flog around in the market. 它不是任何人收入的来源或者被放在市场上的日用品。

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