Mr Li would rather not listen to rock music.
李先生不愿意听摇滚音乐。 |
Mr Li wrote some China English in the article.
李先生在文章里使用了一些专用于描绘中国事物的英语。 |
Mr Li wrote some Chinese English in an article.
李先生在文章里写了一些中国式的英语。 |
Mr Li yesterday filed a lawsuit at a Dongguan court calling on it to order Nokia to hire him and to pay Rmb500,000 ($64,540, £33,370, ?8,830) in compensation for “mental suffering”.
李先生昨日向东莞一家法院提起诉讼,要求法院下令诺基亚雇用他,并支付50万元人民币(合6.454万美元)的“精神损失”赔偿费。 |
Mr Lien and Mr Soong asked for a meeting with Mr Chen, but have been turned down.
连战和宋楚瑜要求和陈水扁见面,但被拒。 |
Mr Lien has demanded that the government form a task force with medical and criminal experts to investigate the attack on Chen.
连战要求政府成立「弹道及医疗」项目小组,调查陈水扁枪击案。 |
Mr Lien wants to challenge the results.
连战希望推翻选举结果。 |
Mr Lin tops me by three inches.
林先生比我高三英寸。 |
Mr Liu was sacked after he demanded a bribe from an unnamed foreign businessman for the sale of a piece of land in Zhongguancun, a Beijing district to the west of the Olympic site.
免职原因是因为刘曾向一个未透露姓名的外国商人就奥林匹克区西部的中关村一块地的开发权索贿。 |
Mr Liu's sacking has triggered accusations of widespread corruption surrounding the Games, and highlighted a culture of graft that is said to trouble British and other foreign companies working as specialist contractors on Beijing's Olympic sites.
刘的落马引发了各界对北京奥运会普遍存在贪污现象的谴责浪潮,同时突出了中国官场贪污受贿文化的盛行,让为北京奥运会工作的外国承包公司感到颇为困扰。 |
Mr Liveris has also reduced Dow's debt and adopted an “asset light ” strategy based on joint ventures, most recently with Libya's National Oil Corporation.
利伟诚也削减了陶氏化工的债务,采取一种以合资业务为核心的“轻资产”战略,近期主要是同利比亚的国家石油总公司进行合作。 |