In total, Pettitte scattered six hits, walking one and striking out four before handing over a one-run lead to Scott Proctor for the eighth inning. |
中文意思: 总计,派特提零星被敲出六支安打,保送一位打者三振的四位,之后在第八局一分领先将投手丘交给天天P。 |
In total there were 80 medium and 30 light armored cars in the brigade.
总共有80辆中型和30辆轻型装甲汽车。 |
In total, 28 well-preserved skeletons of marine reptiles that lived some 150 million years ago have been identified at the site, reports a team from the University of Oslo Natural History Museum in Norway.
在这个地点已经确定了28个保存完好的海洋爬行动物的骨骼,它们曾经生活在1.5亿年前. |
In total, 53 patients with adrenal tumors were analyzed, including 19 men (mean age ± standard deviation, SD, 41.8±12.9 yr; range, 24-66 yr) and 34 women (mean age ± SD, 42.3±12.4 yr; range, 1974 yr), with an overall mean age ± SD of 42.6±12.5 years.
总共分析53位患者,包括19位男性(平均年龄41.8岁,标准差12.9岁,年龄範围24-66岁)与34位女性(平均年龄42.3岁,标准差12.4岁,年龄範围19-74岁),整体平均年龄46.2岁,标准差12.5岁。 |
In total, Angola exported oil worth US$12.44 billion, almost double that of 2000.In volume, Angolan unrefined oil exports increased around 15% to 244.5 million barrels.
安哥拉石油出口总额为124.4亿美元,几乎比2000年增加一倍。在数量上,安哥拉的未精制油料出口增长到2.445亿桶,涨幅为15%。 |
In total, Hong Kong's tax revenue accounts for 9 per cent of gross domestic product - low by international standards.
香港税收总额占区内生产总值的9%,依照国际标准来看,这个水平较低。 |
In total, Pettitte scattered six hits, walking one and striking out four before handing over a one-run lead to Scott Proctor for the eighth inning.
总计,派特提零星被敲出六支安打,保送一位打者三振的四位,之后在第八局一分领先将投手丘交给天天P。 |
In total, for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue.
总共对于三亿七千五百万来说,英语是他们的母语。 |
In total, it took about 9,000 years for the old polarity to dissipate and for the new polarity to take hold throughout the core.
原来的极性消退、新的极性蔓延而至主宰整个地核,整个过程需时约9000年。 |
In total, sufficient Samples must be held to satisfy the most stringent single country requirements.
总的来说,必须保留充足的样品以满足最严格的国家的要求。 |
In total, the researchers gathered 160 measurements of blood flow in the brachial artery, which connects the shoulder and elbow, from the 10 men and 10 women.
总之,研究者在10个男人和10个女人的连接肩和肘的臂动脉处,搜集到160个血液流量的度量单位。 |
In town after town, Liu's troops broke open the official grain stores of the Kuomintang, replenished their own stocks and distributed the remainder to the poor as a propaganda measure.
刘的部队每到一个城镇,都打开国民党宫家的粮仓,补充自己的军需后,把剩下的粮食救济穷人以收民心。 |