Your fees cannot be remitted .
你的费用不能免除. |
Your fees cannot be remitted.
你的费用不能免除. |
Your feet are rosy-red with the glow of my heart's desire,Gleaner of my sunset songs!
你的双脚被我心切望的热光染得绯红,我的落日之歌的搜集者! |
Your feet stink, I guess you have athlete's foot.
你的脚臭死人,我猜你有香港脚。 |
Your festivals were held at night by torchlight.
在夜晚的火炬下举行您的祭奠。 |
Your fickle attitude will be your demise when it comes to love this week.
双子座:本周提到爱情的时候,你轻浮的态度是你的死穴。 |
Your fickle nature may cause jealousy.
感情还未定性的你可能招来嫉妒。 |
Your fickleness will however entice a host of unusual suitors eager to tie you down.
然而正是你的这种变化无常,却深深地诱惑着一群渴望牢牢套住你的追求者。 |
Your fight to New York will be off at 9 am and be there at 3 pm,you must arrive at airfield one and half hours in advance before the plane take off .
您搭乘的飞机是早上9点起飞,下午三点抵达纽约,您必须在飞机起飞前至少一个半小*抵达机场。 |
Your file says you've served forty years of a life sentence. You feel you've been rehabilitated?
“你的档案上写着你已经服了40年的终生监禁,你悔过了么?” |
Your files will be kept on our servers as long as it is downloaded at least once every 90 days. You may also delete the file yourself if you choose to.
只要它,至少一次每90天被下载将被你的将我们服务器存档.你可以如果你选择也你自己删除文件. |