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There is a programme about AIDS on TV.

There is a problem with the connection file on your Nintendo DS. 您的任天堂DS存在一个与连接文件有关的问题。
There is a problem with your Nintendo DS system which will need to be repaired. 您的任天堂DS系统存在一个需要修复的问题。
There is a professional showroom in our ShenZhen office adn we can provide the fastest handlooms and sample yardages service.We use American Four Pount as our fabric standard,all of our fabrics must pass AATCC test before shipping. 我们均有专业的面料展厅和提供最快的打板服务,面料大样由100码起定,全部采用美国4分制全程验货。
There is a professional showroom in our ShenZhen office and we can provide the fastest handlooms and sample yardages service.We take American Four Point as our fabric standard,all of our fabrics must pass AATCC test before shipping. 我们均有专业的面料展厅和提供最快的打板服务,面料大样由100码起定,全部采用美国4分制全程验货。
There is a profound friendship among the two nations. 这两国之间有着深厚的友谊。
There is a programme about AIDS on TV. 电视正播映一个有关爱滋病的节目。
There is a progrem about AIDS on TV. 电视正播映一个有关爱滋病的节目。
There is a project for some concert work and backstage documentary to be released on DVD in the future. 这部片子主要是记述一些演唱会台前幕后的真实写照,将来会发行DVD。
There is a proverb that says, Time flies never to be recalled. 有句谚语说道:光阴一去不复返。
There is a public convenience on the corner of the street. 在街道的拐角处有公共厕所.
There is a public library in this town. 这镇上有一个公共图书馆。

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