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So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth.

So the people went out and brought them and made booths for themselves, each on his roof, and in their courts and in the courts of the house of God, and in the square at the Water Gate and in the square at the Gate of Ephraim. 尼8:16于是百姓出去、取了树枝来、各人在自己的房顶上、或院内、或神殿的院内、或水门的宽阔处、或以法莲门的宽阔处搭棚。
So the people were restrained from bringing. 这样才拦住百姓不再拿礼物来。
So the people worshiped the bull. 所以人们崇拜牛。
So the plague among the children of Israel was stopped. 这样,在以色列人中的瘟疫就止息了。
So the plague was stayed from the children of Israel. 这样,在以色列人中瘟疫就止息了。
So the poor have hope, and injustice shuts its mouth. 16这样,贫寒的人有指望,罪孽之辈必塞口无言。
So the pressure signal of control air holds the single-acting cylinder at the stop position through the pipe named “SUPPLY”, the 3-way valve (pos. no. 22, upper frame), the double check valve(pos. no. 72-1) and the quick release valve (pos. no. 41, right 因此控制空气的压力信号保持单作用气缸在停止位置通过管路SUPPLY,三通阀22,上位,双向止回阀72-1和快速泄放阀41,右位。
So the pressure wasn't on us. 所以,压力不在我们这边。
So the prevention and therapy of fulminant hepatitis is still a very important problem. 重肝的防治,仍是现今肝病研究的重大课题。
So the priests and Levites consecrated themselves in order to bring up the ark of the LORD, the God of Israel. 14于是祭司利未人自洁,好将耶和华以色列神的约柜抬上来。
So the priests and the Levites consecrated themselves to bring up the ark of the Lord God of Israel. 代上15:14于是祭司利未人自洁、好将耶和华以色列神的约柜抬上来。

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