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Port and madeira are fortified wines.

Porous pavement, which allows water to percolate through instead of run off, is being tried in parking lots [see illustration, far right]. 这种设计在欧洲相当普遍,在美国的透水性路面也逐渐风行起来,这种路面可让水份渗透,而不是让水流走,目前已有许多停车场开始试用(见最右图)。
Porphyry rocks in this belt are intermediate-acid rocks of calc-alkaline series. 该斑岩带斑岩属钙堿性系列、中酸性岩类。
Porridge is good for digestion. 粥有益于消化。
Port C is also used in mode 1 operation-not for data, but for control or handshaking signals that help operate either or both port A and port B as strobed input ports. 我觉得翻成“模式1选通输入”比较好一点,而010698,010700翻成了“模式一触动式输入”,010750“模式1锁存输入”,010820翻成了“模式1滤波输入”。
Port The external connector on a device at which the network cable or medium is attached. 接口设备的外接口,用于连接网络线或者其它介质。
Port and madeira are fortified wines. 波尔图酒和马德拉酒都是加度葡萄酒。
Port animal and plant quarantine offices set up by the State animal and plant quarantine department at ports open to the outside world and at places busy with entry and exit animal and plant quarantine shall, in accordance with this Law, carry out entry a 国家动植物检疫机关在对外开放的口岸和进出境动植物检疫业务集中的地点设立的口岸动植物检疫机关,依照本法规定实施进出境动植物检疫。
Port authorities and shipping operators in the United States and Europe are under increasing political pressure to improve air quality in ports, which are often located in sensitive marine environments or large densely populated cities. 美国和欧洲的港务局和船运运营商正面临着越来越大的改善港口空气质量的政治压力,这些港口通常位于易受影响的海运环境或者人口密度大的大城市。
Port check is needed for the importing electronic products when they enter China. 出入境检验检疫机构依法对进口的电子信息产品实施口岸验证和到货检验。
Port closure directly proportional to stem travel for throttling. 端口关闭与阀杆运动成正比例,适用于节流。
Port congestion surcharges, if any, at the time of shipment is for opener's account. 装运时如产生港口拥挤费,须由开证人承担。

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