He was able to cast off such an uninteresting task.
他终于摆脱了这么一项乏味的工作。 |
He was able to fulfill himself through music.
他通过音乐能充分发挥自己的才能。 |
He was able to get himself accepted by a top law school.
他可以使自己被一所一流法律学校所录取。 |
He was able to keep ahead of Fisichella for a long time early on, but ultimately lost out to the Italian because of that problem second time around.
在之前的很长一段时间,他还可以让自己保持在费斯切拉的前面,但最后他输给了意大利人,原因是第二次出现的问题。 |
He was able to negotiate a brilliant deal with the Japanese envoy.
他和日本使节交涉,得到了一个很好的交易。 |
He was able to recall her looks distinctly.
他可以很清楚地回忆起她的容貌. |
He was able to sit back in relative comfort and spam nukes because he had two warriors rushing out in front of him.
他可以轻松的参与进攻,因为他的身前是2个勇往直前的战士。 |
He was able to star in a commercial for Coca-Cola and got some bit parts in a couple of movies, but none of them led anywhere.
他曾主演了可口可乐的一个广告片,也出演了几部影片的小角色,但这些都没有给他带来任何前途。 |
He was able to unearth a lot of good people who had been passed over by the previous management.
他发现了许多人材,都是被以前的公司领导埋没的。 |
He was able to walk gingerly to the dressing rooms where he collapsed a second time before being taken to hospital.
他能够小心翼翼地走进更衣室,在那里第二次病倒后他才被送往医院. |
He was about to be led to the scaffold when at the eleventh hour a messenger arrived bringing a royal pardon.
就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一名使者带来了女王的赦免令。 |