An elephant family will split depending on the size of the family, the amount of available food, and how well they are getting along.When the matriarch dies, one of the oldest offspring takes her place.
一个大象家族会随着家族规模的大小,食物是否充足,彼此相处是否和睦而分裂,当领头的母象死后,由另一头最年长的后代母象取而代之。 |
An elephant is a great animal .
8象是巨大的动物。 |
An elephant said to a mouse ,no doubt that you are the smallest znd most useless thing that Ihave e ver seen .
一头大象对一只小老鼠说:“你无疑是我见过的最小、最没用的东西。” |
An elephant's trunk is actually a long nose used for smelling, breathing, trumpeting, drinking, and also for grabbing things—especially a potential meal.
大象的鼻子真是一条长鼻子,可以用来闻,呼吸,发声,饮水还可以还抓取东西-特别是一顿美餐。 |
An elevated WBC count is usually present.
常有白细胞计数增加。 |
An elevated place or position.
高处升高的地点或位置 |
An elevated platform, lectern, or stand used in preaching or conducting a religious service.
讲道台在布道或主持宗教仪式时所用的讲坛、小台架或讲台 |
An elevation of the shoulder, medial rotation of the upper arm, and late flexion at the elbow as the body rotates to accommodate an elbows-upposition and to reposition the forearm/hand drag surface to where forward propulsion can be created.
提肩,上臂转一半,然后屈肘使身体转动达到一个高肘位置接着重新入水并使前臂和手掌通过抱水能够产生向前的推进力。 |
An elevator is a little room and when the door shuts the upstairs comes down or the downstairs comes up.
电梯是一个小小的房间,房门一关,楼上就往下跑,楼下就往上跑。 |
An eleven-year-old boy, two men died when their small plane crashed during takeoff at an air show in Alabama.
在阿拉巴马州一场飞机表演中,一架小型飞机在起飞时坠毁,一名十一岁岁男孩和两名男子丧生。 |
An elite alchemist of the highest caliber, Razzil was employed by the Sentinel to develop new experimental chemical weapons against the Scourge.
拉吉尔是名才能卓越的菁英炼金术士,他受到铁卫军的雇用,以研制对抗天谴军的新式化学战剂为职。 |