Cooling tower above 175T is of module structure combination, is easy to start up and to conserve energy.
175T以上的冷却塔采用模块化结构组合,开机灵活,节约能源。 |
Cooling-off period is three years and references only former employees of the company.
“冷却期”为三年,并仅针对公司前雇员。 |
Coontz. How Ignoring Historical and Societal Change Puts Kids at Risk.in Coontz, pp. 141-156.
忽略历史与社会的变迁如何危害孩子?〉,收录于《我们真实的面貌:与改变中的美国家庭和平共处》,页141~156。 |
Cooper Kenda Tire Company invests USD 99,000,000and will have more than 2000 employees in the future. Our business includes design, research, manufacture and sales of radial tires for passenger car.
库博建大总投资额为9900万美元,占地逾33万平方米,未来将拥有员工近2000名,主要从事设计、开发、生产和加工乘用车子午线轮胎并销售自产产品。 |
Cooper Tire &Rubber company is always play a leader role in global tire replacement field, it is the fourth largest tire manufacturer in North America and, according to a recognized trade source, is the eighth largest tire company in the world based on sa
库博公司在全球轮胎置换领域一直处于领导者的地位,是北美第四大轮胎制造企业,轮胎销售额在行业内处于世界第八大地位,建大公司在轮胎行业也居世界领先地位。 |
Cooper wants to get a dagger for her!
准备短剑,为她设想的哥哥?! |
Cooper was certainly on all accounts one of the most successful.
从各种角度而言,库柏都是最成功的人之一。 |
Cooper, Bloom, and Roth. Serotonin and Histamine.Chap. 10 in The Biochemical Basis of Neuropharmacology. 7th ed.
《神经药理学之生化基础》第十章〈羟色胺和组织胺〉第七版。 |
Cooper, Gail. Air-Conditioning in America: Engineers and the Controlled Environment, 1900-1960. Johns Hopkins University Press, 2002.
《美国的空调:工程师及可控环境,1900-1960》。约翰·霍普金斯大学出版社,2002。 |
Cooper, Glenda. U.S. Memos on Rwanda Cited.Boston Globe, August 23, 2001.
着,<美国之卢安达引证备忘录>,《波士顿全球报》,2001年8月23日。 |
Cooperate close with the purchasing, production and QA department.
配合采购、生产、品管部门的工作。 |