Have you a good supply of reading matter for the train journey?
你有很多供火车旅行时阅读的读物吗? |
Have you a larger room?
你们有大一点的房间吗? |
Have you a saw you could lend me?
你有没有锯子可以借给我? |
Have you a special preference for rectangular maps?
你对于矩形的图形有什么特殊选择没有? |
Have you accepted his proposal ?
你答应他的求婚了吗? |
Have you accepted his proposal?
你答应他的求婚了吗? |
Have you all had a fair whack?
你们是不是都得到了公平的一份了? |
Have you already had breakfast?
难道你吃过早饭了吗? |
Have you already posted the photos?
你把照片寄走了吗? |
Have you always been happy and optimistic?
有没有什么不开心的事? |
Have you always lived in New York?
你一直住在纽约吗? |