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Some officers of the art of war are trying to summarize the lessons learned.

Some of you look like sleepy now,they seem to be tired. 有些人显得很疲劳,好象挺累了。
Some of your Sims will get off the train and right onto the buses, which can go farther than walking in the same amount of time. 这样,一些上班族下了火车就能坐上汽车而不用辛苦的步行前往遥远的工作单位了。
Some of your actions can be quite startling to others. 你的很多行为会令他人大吃一惊。
Some of your reverence and loyalty has been to belief systems that will no longer serve you, just as there will come a time when each of you will move beyond the steps that we are leading you through at this time. 对于你们相当的尊敬并且对系统忠实的信任那将不再满足你们,正如时间将回归你们将各自离开且迈步超越,那么我们在这个时间指挥你们通过。
Some officers bark out their orders. 有些军官以粗暴的声音发布命令。
Some officers of the art of war are trying to summarize the lessons learned. 一些致力于战争艺术的军官正试图总结应吸取的经验教训。
Some officials also see collective ownership of rural land as one of the few remaining badges of China's professed “socialism”, and fear the explosion of divisive political debate if this bit of constitutional dogma is changed. 一些官员还把农村集体土地所有制看作是的中国所声称的“社会主义”的标志之一,他们害怕这个宪法教条的改变会造成爆发分裂性政论。
Some officials kept silent because they were afraid of being persecuted by Zhao Gao. 有的大臣害怕遭到赵高的迫害,于是保持沉默。
Some officials pointed to the slowness of IGAD governments in detecting and responding to emergencies brought on by drought. 一些官员指出IGAD政府对干旱引发的紧急事件缺乏快速的检测和反应,过于迟缓。
Some officials say that controlling the villages was made even harder by the scrapping four years ago of police powers to detain any migrant found without the correct permits. 一些官员表示,警察曾经有权力扣留任何没有携带有效通行证的流动人员,但随着该权力在四年前得到废止,对村庄进行管制现在变得难上加难。
Some officials, however, said the proposals came with too many conditions. 然而,一些官员称这些提案附带了太多的条件。

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