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Modernization of agricultural mechinary needs computers.

Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. 现代主义以非理性哲学和精神分析原理作为理论基础。
Modernity began to emerge in China after the Opium War. 摘要鸦片战争以降,现代性遭遇中国。
Modernity gives birth to the forces against itself. 现代性孕育出了与其自身对抗的力量。
Modernity, he argues, implies a huge range of possible ways of thinking, including many variations of theism and atheism. 他认为,现代性意味着种种不同的可能思维方式,包括以各种面目出现的有神论和无神论。
Modernization is the key to every party in power which is actually an eternal issue in pursuit of political legitimacy. 摘要党的现代化是各国执政党必须解决的重大问题。
Modernization of agricultural mechinary needs computers. 农机现代化离不开计算机。
Modernized business equipments, circumspect and thoughtful servings from our staffs is a symbol of your identity and status. 现代化的商务设施及服务人员周到的体贴服务是您身份与地位的体.
Modes cause a lot of errors. 方式引起很多错误。
Modes of flow under each scheme are numerically simulated. 计算结果表明4种方案均具有可行性。
Modest liberal reforms—especially lowering marginal tax rates and tariffs and giving some leeway to manufacturers—spurred an increase in growth to 5.6 percent. 适度的自由主义改革——特别是降低边际税率与关税,并且给生产者一些灵活处置的余地,促使经济增长了5.6%。
Modest words included modest appellation and modest adverb, and they were the reflection of etiquette culture. 谦敬词语包括谦敬称谓和谦敬副词,合乎古代礼仪的规范,是礼仪文化的反映。

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