Buying a computer would run into a lot of money.
买一部电脑总计要花很多钱。 |
Buying a new dress at that price won't break the bank.
(买一件新衣服不会让人倾家荡产的。) |
Buying existing mines enables companies to cash in on high prices immediately.
收购现有的矿藏,则能使企业立即利用价格高企的大好时机。 |
Buying futures contracts to protect against a possible price increase of cash commodities that will be purchased in the future.
通过买入期货合同来防止未来将要购买的现货的价格上涨的风险。 |
Buying in the western style and culture, South Beauty provide excellent service to her clients and customers by impressive products and a perfect combined Eastern and Western culture environment.
“俏江南”以其中国文化的古典、精品和优质服务著名,主要客户群为社会白领和成功人士。 |
Buying lamb the buyer has to have the sharp eyesight. This fellow very easily pulls out the strong lamb from the flock of sheep. He is the connoisseur for lamb.
买羊羔也得有眼力,好的羊羔口色好、不细口、易调理、快蹲膘。这位仁兄很轻易便从羊群中拽出壮羔,所以说其眼力不比古玩家差,他是选羊的伯乐。 |
Buying petrol seems innocent enough.
购买汽油看似再合法不过。 |
Buying something today on credit because you can't wait will impact your financial situation for years to come.
如果只是因为你等不及了就刷信用卡购物的话,这将会对你接下来许多年的财政状况产生影响。 |
Buying that airbus was an expensive mistake.
买那种客机是个代价高昂的错误。 |
Buying the equivalent of six-months' oil consumption, as has been suggested, would take only 8% of total reserves at current prices, but the extra oil bought would amount to three times the growth in global oil demand this year.
正如所建议的,购买相当于六个月石油消耗量在现有的石油价格下只会花掉储备金总量的8%,但是这额外购买的石油总计将是今年全球对石油增加的需求量的三倍。 |
Buying things in China is confusing!
在中国购物令人困惑! |