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Santino Corleone: Did you find out where that old pimp Tattaglia is hiding? I want him now.

Santiago respects DiMaggio because he never gives up despite physical pain. 圣地亚哥非常崇拜迪马吉欧,因为他从不因身体的疼痛而轻易放弃。
Santiago was dreaming of lions. 桑提亚哥正在梦见那些狮子呢。
Santiago: Im sitting in the airport and I think to myself, at least now I have an excuse. 圣地亚哥:坐在候机室里的时候,我想,现在终于能有个借口回家了,可以让我的伙伴们和其他人不在质疑我为什么一事无成的回来。
Santiago:Two more weeks and I will have enough (money). 圣堤亚格:再两个星期我就存够钱了。
Santini D,Graziano F,Catalano V,et al.Weekly oxaliplatin,fluorouracil and folinic acid (OXALF)as first-line chemotherapy for elderly patients with advanced gastric cancer (AGC)[J].J Clin Oncol,2004,22 (14):4237. 孙亚红,于金名,张宝轩.国产草酸铂联合氟尿嘧啶及甲酰四氢叶酸钙治疗胃肠癌近期疗效分析[J].肿瘤防治杂志,2003,10(5):516.
Santino Corleone: Did you find out where that old pimp Tattaglia is hiding? I want him now. 你查出那老男妓塔塔基利亚躲在哪儿没?我要他的命!现在!
Santino Corleone: Don't forget. Two shots apiece in the head as soon as you come out. 切记!朝每人头部开两枪,一出厕所后就打。
Santino Corleone: Listen. You drive him and pick him up. Come on, let's move. 听着,你开车送他,事后再接他回来。来吧!我们动身了。
Santino Corleone: My man in McCluskey's precinct. A police captain is on call 24 hours a day. He'll be there between 8 and 10. Anybody know this joint? 迈克劳斯基的分局里有我的人。队长必须24小时待命,他八点到十点会去那里。有谁知道那个地方?
Santino Corleone: Niggers are having a good time with our policy banks in Harlem. Driving new Cadillacs, paying 50 per cent on a bet. 黑鬼对我们哈林区的银行新政策非常满意。开着新凯迪拉克我先帮他们付一半的钱。
Santino Corleone: Sollozzo might not even be in the car, Sonny! 索拉索也许根本就不在车上,山尼!

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